Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar
This live online seminar will teach you the various possibilities and tools of Adobe InDesign for a successful design of layouts. In this online course, you will gain theoretical knowledge about setting text, images and graphics and gain practical experience with the layout software from Adobe.
Discover how to work efficiently with InDesign by attending this online seminar!
InDesign is a professional tool for layout design and the design of print media. You can use InDesign to create all kinds of printable materials, from flyers and posters to business stationery. In this live online seminar, you will learn techniques for creating individual pages and large documents for print and for the web/digital sector.
Technical requirements: To participate in the course, you must have the latest full version of Adobe InDesign from Adobe Creative Cloud installed on your computer, along with a valid license for the program.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
16 Einheiten à 45 Minuten
Dieser Kurs schließt mit einem ab.
Requirements for live participation:
Customary desktop computer or laptop (64-bit), headset, webcam
Stable internet connection
At least 2 GB of RAM
Download and installation of alfaview (free of charge for you!)
Short preparation check:
Create profile or login and book desired course
Download and install video conferencing software
Check technical equipment (computer, headset and webcam)
Log back in to your profile at and test everything
The event will take place live and online, please check your equipment at least 2-3 days before the course starts and install the alfaview videoconferencing software alfaview (free of charge for you!). If you are using a company network or computer, please clarify the installation and use of alfaview with the appropriate department beforehand!
Technische Voraussetzungen:
Für eine Live-Teilnahme unbedingt erforderlich: Handelsüblicher Computer (64-bit), Headset, Webcam Stabile Internetverbindung Mind. 2 GB Arbeitsspeicher Download und Installation alfaview (für dich kostenfrei!)
InDesign basics
Tools and control panels
Setting up workspaces
Document view, zooming and navigating
Creating and saving files
Creating layouts
Page and document structure
Basic sample pages
Automatic page numbers
Guides, grids, rulers
Working with layers
Objects and frames
Pencil function
Placing and linking texts
Text frame options
Formatting texts (characters and paragraphs)
Text flow around images and objects
Glyphs panel
Using Adobe Fonts
Images and graphics
Pixel vs. vector graphics
Image resolution and color mode
Placing images and graphics
Determining image sections
Image import options
Managing links
Colors and gradients
Color panel
Using color fields and gradients
Transparencies and effects
Document output
Preflight function
Packaging InDesign documents
Print InDesign documents directly
Create web and print PDF
Export to JPG and PNG
The online seminar is designed for anyone who wants to create professional layouts and use Adobe InDesign as software in the future.