
Advanced AWS Well-Architected Best Practices

Seminar - Cegos Integrata GmbH

In this course, you will explore:

  • Workload definition and key concepts
  • The AWS Well-Architected Framework Review phases, process, best practices, and anti-patterns
  • High and medium risks
  • Prioritizing improvements to the AWS Well-Architected workflow
  • Locating and using the AWS Well-Architected Framework white paper, labs, prebuilt solutions in the AWS solutions library, AWS Well-Architected independent software vendors (ISVs), and AWS Well-Architected Partner Program (WAPP)
Termin Ort Preis*
16.04.2025 online 946,05 €
18.06.2025 online 946,05 €
13.08.2025 online 946,05 €
10.09.2025 online 946,05 €
05.11.2025 Garching b.München 946,05 €
firmenintern auf Anfrage auf Anfrage

Alle Termine anzeigen

*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Through simulation, group exercises, discussions, and role playing activities this course will help you identify and solution for high and medium risk issues with an expert AWS instructor with deep technical knowledge. This one-day, classroom training course will provide you with a consistent approach to perform Well-Architected Framework Reviews and use the AWS Well-Architected Tool to assess a workload so you can continue to scale your infrastructure securely and efficiently.

Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
1 Tage

In this course, you will explore:

  • Workload definition and key concepts
  • The AWS Well-Architected Framework Review phases, process, best practices, and anti-patterns
  • High and medium risks
  • Prioritizing improvements to the AWS Well-Architected workflow
  • Locating and using the AWS Well-Architected Framework white paper, labs, prebuilt solutions in the AWS solutions library, AWS Well-Architected independent software vendors (ISVs), and AWS Well-Architected Partner Program (WAPP)
  • Knowledge of core AWS services, AWS management interfaces, and AWS design and architecture
  • Taken 'Architecting on AWS' and 'AWS Well-Architected Best Practices'

Learners who will find this course applicable to their work include:

  • Solutions architects
  • Cloud practitioners
  • Data engineers
  • Data scientists
  • Developers
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