Advanced Leadership - Fine-Tuning for Experienced Executives (Engl.)
Seminar - English & Intercultural Communication
This training is targeted towards executives that have already accumulated leadership experience. The small number of participants affords the opportunity for contemplation and reflection on daily issues and challenges that leaders are faced with. The objectives are to strengthen confidence and self-motivation; and to find alternatives on how to deal with professional challenges through insightful input and social exchange (under the supervision of a professional psychologist/coach).
Criteria for Successful Leaders – Leadership qualities, tasks and skills of successful leaders, concept of “Emotional Intelligence”
Challenges in the Professional Life of Leaders
Self-Reflection and Assessment of the Status Quo
Dealing with Emotions (own and others’)
Dealing with Stress – Awareness of stressful situations, emotional weak spots, exerting self-control, cultivating resources
Psychology of Motivation – Basics about demotivating factors, recognizing resistance, encouraging and motivating staff
Developing Empathy and Understanding
Effective Communication Techniques – Winning direct reports and supervisors
Dealing with Conflicts – Recognizing conflicts and psychological games, intervention, conflict resolution and prevention
Creating a Positive Work Climate
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days from 09.00 am to 05.00 pm
Training Objectives:
Self Reflection
Strengthening confidence and self-motivation
Finding strategies on how to deal with professional challenges
Insights on staff motivation, fluctuation and sick leave
Professionals that have already gained experience in leading positions
Beatrix Stahlberger (Psychologist)
Frau Dipl.-Psych. Beatrix Stahlberger
Als Referentin tätig seit: 1992
Werdegang: Diplom Psychologin mit Spezialisierung auf Sozialpsychologie, Studium in Mannheim und Heidelberg, Berufserfahrung in Lehre und Forschung: Von 1992 bis 1996 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Dozentin am Lehrstuhl Sozialpsychologie der Universität Osnabrück., dabei 1994 zur Prüferin für Sozialpsychologie bestellt. 1998 Gründung von English & Intercultural Communication. Seither Trainings und Seminare für Fach- und Führungskräfte sowie Trainings in Englisch.
Qualifikation: Abgeschlossene 3-jährige Coachingausbildung auf Grundlage der systemischen Transaktionsanalyse (Institut Dr. Mautsch, Köln) Weiterhin in TA Supervision und Intervision. 2019 Ausbildung in Hypnosetherapie
Spezialisierung: Spezialisiert auf Führungsthemen, interkulturelle Kompetenz, emotionale Intelligenz, Konfliktmanagement, Selbst- und Zeitmanagement, Verkauf + Vertrieb und natürlich Kommunikationsthemen ganz allgemein. Alle Trainings in deutsch und englisch.
English & Intercultural Communication
Frau Beatrix Stahlberger Lütticher Str. 132
40547 Düsseldorf
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