
Circular Economy Training

Webinar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Would you like to deepen your knowledge of the circular economy and learn how to apply sustainable, circular approaches? In this seminar, you will explore key concepts of circular economy, compare it with the linear economy, and discover the potential of circular business models. You will also see how companies like Philips and Schwalbe implement circular practices and learn how to apply these strategies to your own business. By the end, you will plan a concrete circular project and define your next steps for implementation.
Termin Ort Preis*
13.05.2025- 10.06.2025 online 2.070,60 €
15.09.2025- 13.10.2025 online 2.070,60 €
05.11.2025- 03.12.2025 online 2.070,60 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Module 1: Context and Principles of the Circular Economy

  • Fact Check Climate Crisis (Planetary Boundaries, 1,5°C).
  • Deep Dive into Circular Economy (Definition & Key Concepts, Linear vs. Circular, Cradle2Cradle, Butterfly Model, Circular Business Models etc.).
  • Value, Access, Process framework by INSEAD.

Module 2: Self-learning phase

  • Reflect on key concepts: Linear vs. Circular, Cradle2Cradle, and circular business models.
  • Review case studies and practical examples.
  • Think about application in own industry.
  • Internalize principles and frameworks discussed on Module 1.

Module 3: Deepening your Knowledge

  • Recap & Application of Knowledge.
  • Case Studies & Circular Best Practices (Schwalbe, Philips, refurbed).
  • Circularity Gap Report, Material Flow Analysis.
  • Regulation & Cognitive Biases.

Module 4: Self-learning phase

  • Reflect on case studies, material flow analysis, and regulations.
  • Explore how circularity gaps and cognitive biases apply to own business context.
  • Synthesize theoretical insights with practical examples.
  • Plan next steps for individual circular projects.

Module 5: From theory into practice

  • Recap & Exchange.
  • Your circular project (planning first/next steps).
  • Circular mindset - What's needed to successfully implement circularity?
  • What's next - pitch your project.
  • Wrap Up, Results.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
3 x 4,5 Stunden + 2 x 2 Stunden
  • You will gain an overview of the inspiring world of the circular economy.
  • You will understand the effectiveness and benefits of the circular economy.
  • You will explore the economic and ecological advantages that can be achieved through circular business models.
  • You will identify concrete opportunities within your organization to integrate circular economy principles.
  • You will learn tools for a circular transformation process, helping your company gain a competitive edge.

Experts and executives from line functions, sustainability officers, sustainability managers, project managers, process managers, quality managers, and change managers. All individuals who are guiding the company through the transformation towards greater sustainability and want to fully harness its potential. Relevant for all industries.

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