
Convincing Presentations in English: Sway your audience with personality and structure

Seminar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

How do you stay relaxed when delivering an English presentation e.g. in front of decision makers and stakeholders? How can you be convincing even if your English is not perfect? By delivering your ideas and presenting yourself with great confidence! Make use of your voice, body language and wit. Balance out possible linguistic shortcomings with your personality. During the training you will exercise a lot in English and will gain confidence in your ability to convince your audience.
Termin Ort Preis*
25.03.2025- 26.03.2025 Berlin 1.832,60 €
21.05.2025- 22.05.2025 Hamburg 1.832,60 €
04.09.2025- 05.09.2025 Eching 1.832,60 €
04.11.2025- 05.11.2025 Frankfurt am Main 1.832,60 €

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*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Success factor: structure

  • Market your work results convincingly.
  • Structuring a successful business presentation.
  • Identify meaningful core statements.
  • Pyramidal thinking.
  • Tips for PowerPoint presentations.

Success factor: rhetoric

  • Define and reache goals, decisions and target groups.
  • Deliver convincing arguments.
  • Build rapport with the audience.
  • Develop a good speaking style.

Success factor: English language

  • Relevant English phrases for presentations and for leading discussions.
  • Overcoming insecurity – articulating clearly.
  • Using humour convincingly.

Success factor: body language

  • Clear body language and open gestures.
  • Develop a powerful and dynamic appearance.
  • Improve your charisma.
  • Be open and decisive despite your nervousness.
  • Handle pressure and stay on course.

Handling difficult situations

  • Manage interruptions, questions and objections.
  • Gain desired results even in adverse conditions.
  • Handle your stage-fright.
  • Perfect communication without perfect grammar.
  • Maintain your focus and handle stress.

Managing intercultural situations

  • Recognise signals of respect, openness and understanding.
  • Reflect on your own behaviour without stereotyping do’s and don’ts.
  • Manage misunderstandings.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days
  • You will learn how to sway decision-making situations to your advantage.
  • You will learn how to convince in presentations with your language level.
  • You will optimise your body language and manner of speaking by building on your strengths.
  • You will learn how to show competence, trustworthiness and a personable character.
  • You will benefit from targeted planning of the training content in your everyday work.

Specialists, office worker and managers as well as project managers who need to present in English. All those who need to work in the English language in everyday business and have to make presentations within and outside of their organisation. Language competence should be intermediate or good.

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