
Effective Moderation Skills and Facilitation Techniques in English: Get the practical tools you need to run productive meetings and workshops in an international environment

Seminar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

As a subject matter expert you run meetings and workshops with international participants in English. You need to achieve structured results within a limited time frame and at the same time you would like to boost engagement with your audience.
This training will provide you with the tools to make your meetings more target-oriented and effective while equally managing the group processes. Learn to facilitate your meetings and workshops in a professional, structured and confident manner with systematic preparation, clear goals, interactive facilitation techniques, and the proper English vocabulary.
Termin Ort Preis*
31.03.2025- 01.04.2025 Frankfurt am Main 1.832,60 €
01.07.2025- 02.07.2025 Mannheim 1.832,60 €
12.11.2025- 13.11.2025 Hamburg 1.832,60 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Goal Setting as the basis for success

  • Role, tasks and communication skills of facilitators.
  • Develop and formulate common objectives and outcomes.
  • Phases of productive workshop moderation.

Write it down: Clear agenda, clear schedule, clear documentation

  • Inviting the right participants.
  • Drawing up an agenda.
  • Realistic scheduling of time and meeting content.
  • Documentation of work progress and results.
  • The follow-up and action plan.

Bulletproof Facilitator Tool Kit

  • Tools to open the session.
  • Engaging with international participants.
  • Focussing on common goals.
  • Brainstorming creatively.
  • Activating and visualising different opinions.
  • Reaching, documenting and celebrating common results.

Dealing with challenging situations in workshops

  • Managing team behaviours and group processes.
  • Establishing a creative and productive mood in the session.
  • Addressing, clarifying or adjourning open items.

Specific situations

  • Q&A session
  • Panel discussion
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days
  • You can prepare productive meetings including invitation, agenda, and results.
  • You know proven rules for successful moderation.
  • You apply relevant English vocabulary.
  • You lead target-oriented discussions keeping the objectives in mind.
  • You can use relevant and interactive facilitation tools during your meetings.
  • You understand group processes.
  • You know how to manage interruptions and deal with challenging situations.

Subject matter experts, team members, team leaders, project managers and managers who want to facilitate meetings and moderate workshops in an international or intercultural context more effectively in English.

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