
Get to the Point!: Become an effective communicator when speaking and writing

Seminar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

The ability to communicate effectively in English is a priority for anyone wishing to succeed in international business. Communication in the digital age is short and fast. Hence, clarity and brevity are key in contemporary communication - both in speaking and writing. In this workshop you will learn to convey the right information and get your message across in clear, precise and targeted words.
Termin Ort Preis*
06.03.2025- 07.03.2025 Hamburg 1.832,60 €
02.04.2025- 03.04.2025 Frankfurt am Main 1.832,60 €
05.06.2025- 06.06.2025 Berlin 1.832,60 €
01.09.2025- 02.09.2025 Köln 1.832,60 €
16.10.2025- 17.10.2025 Stuttgart 1.832,60 €
17.12.2025- 18.12.2025 Mannheim 1.832,60 €

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*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Knowing what matters

  • Putting your ideas in order.
  • Winning and losing your audience and readers – dos and don’ts.
  • A clear message is brief and pointedly put.
  • Mindset and Attitude.

Making your presentation engaging

  • Captivating your audience and readers – even with factual information.
  • Effectively deploying linguistic devices and dramatic means.

Framing your speech

  • The three phases of your successful contribution: strong opening, body and skillful conclusion.
  • Clearly structuring, polishing and effectively staging (short) speeches.
  • Finding the appropriate arguments quickly and easily.

The Power of simple words

  • The Dimensions of Comprehensibility.
  • Advice on speaking and writing in English.

Writing clearly and concisely

  • Writing emails and texts so that people want to read them.
  • Less is more: how to convince with concise texts.

Optimising your presentation

Please bring along your presentation sequence (max. 5 charts) on your notebook to the workshop for practice.

Optimising your business texts

Bring along, e.g. letters, emails, memos, circulars, position papers and decision papers (max. 2-3 pages) for editing.

Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days
  • You will learn to distinguish between what is trivial and what is important and to focus on the core content.
  • You will learn to develop your texts and arguments clearly, precisely and to the point – in a straightforward way and without meaningless phrases.
  • You will learn about tips and tricks to structure and develop interesting and motivating speeches and texts that grab the attention of your audience and readers.
  • You will learn to convey your message so that it actually reaches your audience and readers.
  • You will communicate more effectively and efficiently in English.
  • You will express yourself in a more active, more focused and thus more effective way.

Experts and managers who want to argue their concerns – stand their ground more effectively in future by impressive speeches and pointed (short) presentations as well as clearly structured and concisely formulated texts.

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