
IBM AN11G - Power Systems for AIX I: LPAR Configuration and Planning

Seminar - Cegos Integrata GmbH


Learn how to perform system administration in a Power Systems environment. Learn about the features of PowerVM Editions and how to configure and manage LPARs running AIX V7 or Linux using the Hardware Management Console (HMC).

Termin Ort Preis*
05.05.2025- 07.05.2025 Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2.856,00 €
05.05.2025- 07.05.2025 online 2.856,00 €
04.08.2025- 06.08.2025 online 2.856,00 €
04.08.2025- 06.08.2025 München 2.856,00 €
03.11.2025- 05.11.2025 online 2.856,00 €
03.11.2025- 05.11.2025 Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2.856,00 €

Alle Termine anzeigen

*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Course Outline

Day 1

  • Welcome
  • Unit 1: Introduction to partitioning
  • Exercise 1: Introduction to partitioning
  • Unit 2: Hardware system overview
  • Exercise 2: System hardware components
  • Unit 3: Hardware Management Console

Day 2

  • Unit 3: Hardware Management Console (continued)
  • Exercise 3: Exploring the HMC V8 interface
  • Unit 4: Hardware Management Console maintenance
  • Exercise 4: HMC and managed system maintenance
  • Unit 5: System power management
  • Exercise 5: System power management
  • Unit 6: Planning and configuring logical partitions

Day 3

  • Unit 6: Planning and configuring logical partitions (continued)
  • Exercise 6: Configuring logical partitions
  • Unit 7: Partition operations
  • Exercise 7: Partition operations
  • Unit 8: Dynamic LPAR operations
  • Exercise 8: Dynamic LPAR operations


  • Describe important concepts that are associated with managing POWER processor-based systems, such as logical partitioning, dynamic partitioning, virtual devices, virtual processors, virtual consoles, virtual local area network (VLAN), and shared processors
  • Describe the features of the PowerVM editions
  • Describe the functions provided by the HMC
  • Configure and manage the HMC, including users and permissions, software, start and shutdown, remote access features, network configuration, security features, HMC backup and restore options, and the HMC reload procedure
  • Describe the rules that are associated with allocating resources, including dedicated processors, processing units for Micro-Partitioning, memory, physical and virtual I/O for AIX and Linux partitions
  • Configure and manage LPARs by using the HMC graphical user interface (GUI) and HMC commands
  • Power on and power off the Power Systems server
  • Use the HMC to back up and restore partition data
  • Perform dynamic LPAR operations (DLPAR)
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
3 Tage


This introductory course does not require any logical partitioning experience.

General TCP/IP knowledge is strongly recommended.

presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises


This course is appropriate for system administrators, technical support individuals, and IBM business partners who implement LPARs on IBM Power Systems.

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