
IBM AN34G - Mastering AIX Live Update

Seminar - Cegos Integrata GmbH


This course enables students to perform AIX Live Update operations on the AIX operating system. This includes installing interim fixes, service packs and technology levels using the AIX Live Update capability. 

Students in this course will learn how to implement AIX Live Update. Students will also be exposed to the different management types for live update and learn skills required to install AIX updates, such as technology levels, service packs and interim fixes, without requiring downtime (a reboot) for the server. Best practices and testing methods for live update will be discussed, providing students with the knowledge to effectively configure and manage live update in a production environment. Additionally, students will learn skills to troubleshoot and debug live update issues.

Termin Ort Preis*
firmenintern auf Anfrage auf Anfrage
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Course Outline

Day 1

  • Unit 1: Introduction to AIX Live Update
  • Exercise 1: Verification of Prerequisites
  • Unit 2: AIX Live Update Management Types
  • Exercise 2: Live Update Management Types
  • Unit 3: Performing AIX Live Update Operations (HMC based)
  • Exercise 3: Perform HMC-based Live Update operations
  • Unit 4: Patching AIX without a reboot (installing interim fixes)
  • Exercise 4: Install an AIX ifix without a reboot
  • Unit 5: Testing Live Update
  • Exercise 5: Testing Live Update

Day 2

  • Unit 6: Live Update Best practices
  • Exercise 6: Implementing Live Update Best Practices
  • Unit 7: Troubleshooting Live Update
  • Exercise 7: Troubleshooting Live Update Issues
  • Unit 8: Performing AIX Live Update Operations (PowerVC based)
  • Exercise 8: Perform PowerVC-based Live Update operations


  • Describe the purpose of AIX Live Update
  • Describe AIX live update concepts and pre-requisites
  • Understand the different live update management types (HMC or PowerVC)
  • Perform HMC-based AIX live update operations
  • Use Live Update to install AIX TLs, SPs and ifixes
  • Test and apply Live Update best practices and troubleshooting techniques
  • Perform PowerVC-based Live Update operations
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
16 Stunden
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises


- AIX technical support individuals

- System administrators

- Systems engineers

- System architects

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