
IBM AN52G - Advanced Tools for AIX Performance Analysis

Seminar - Cegos Integrata GmbH


Develop the skills to use kernel traces, trace based utilities, and svmon to measure and analyze CPU, memory, and I/O performance issues on IBM systems running AIX. Reinforce each lecture during extensive hands-on lab exercises and get practical experience applicable to their performance management requirements.

Termin Ort Preis*
24.03.2025- 27.03.2025 online 3.808,00 €
24.03.2025- 27.03.2025 München 3.808,00 €
23.06.2025- 26.06.2025 Leinfelden-Echterdingen 3.808,00 €
23.06.2025- 26.06.2025 online 3.808,00 €
06.10.2025- 09.10.2025 online 3.808,00 €
06.10.2025- 09.10.2025 München 3.808,00 €
15.12.2025- 18.12.2025 online 3.808,00 €
15.12.2025- 18.12.2025 Leinfelden-Echterdingen 3.808,00 €

Alle Termine anzeigen

*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Course Outline

Day 1

  • Welcome
  • Unit 1: AIX trace facilities
  • Exercise 1: AIX trace facilities
  • Unit 2: Advanced memory topics - I
  • Exercise 1: AIX trace facilities (Part 3)
  • Exercise 2: Advanced memory topics - I

Day 2

  • Unit 3: Advanced memory topics - II
  • Exercise 3: Advanced memory tropics - II
  • Unit 4: Advanced CPU topics - I
  • Exercise 4: Advanced CPU topics - I
  • (Optional) Exercise 4: Advanced CPU topics - I (Part 2)

Day 3

  • Unit 5: Advanced CPU topics - II
  • Exercise 5: Advanced CPU topics - II
  • Unit 6: Advanced I/O topics - I
  • Exercise 6: Advanced I/O topics - I (Part 1)
  • (Optional) Exercise 5: Advanced CPU topics - II
  • (Parts 2 and 3)

Day 4

  • Exercise 6: Advanced I/O topics - I (Part 2)
  • Unit 7: Advanced I/O topics - II
  • Exercise 7: Advanced I/O topics - II
  • (Optional) Exercise 7: Advanced I/O topics - II (Part 3)


  • Use the trace facility to collect data and create a trace report
  • Use the kernel trace facilities to analyze CPU performance issues
  • Describe causes and impacts of high context switching rates
  • Identify what causes a thread to be blocked and later woken up
  • Explain the relationship between the output of svmon -G, svmon -P, and svmon -S
  • Calculate the amount of memory in use on the system
  • Explain the relationship between svmon, vmstat, and ipcs output
  • Categorize the memory in use on the system by segment type
  • Identify which processes are using the most memory or paging space
  • Describe the characteristics of asynchronous I/O, synchronous I/O, direct I/O, and concurrent I/O
  • Identify if the expected type of I/O is being executed
  • Tune asynchronous I/O
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
4 Tage


You are expected to have extensive AIX skills. These skills can be obtained by attending the following courses:

  • AIX Power Systems for AIX IV: Performance Management (AN510) or have the equivalent extensive AIX skills
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises


The audience for this training includes AIX technical support personnel, performance benchmark personnel, and AIX system administrators.

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