
IBM ES10G - Fundamental System Skills in z/OS

Seminar - Cegos Integrata GmbH


This course is designed to teach you the fundamental practical skills to navigate and work in a z/OS environment.

This includes the use of ISPF/PDF dialogs, TSO/E commands, JCL, UNIX System Services shell, and BookManager.

Termin Ort Preis*
07.04.2025- 11.04.2025 Leinfelden-Echterdingen 4.760,00 €
07.04.2025- 11.04.2025 online 4.760,00 €
07.07.2025- 11.07.2025 online 4.760,00 €
07.07.2025- 11.07.2025 München 4.760,00 €
06.10.2025- 10.10.2025 Leinfelden-Echterdingen 4.760,00 €
06.10.2025- 10.10.2025 online 4.760,00 €

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*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Course Outline

Unit 1: Introduction to the IBM Z Systems environment

Topic 1: Architecture in the z Systems environment

Topic 2: Operating systems

Topic 3: IBM z Systems 

Unit 2: z/OS security

Topic 1: System security

Topic 2: RACF

Topic 3: RACF profiles 

Unit 3: TSO ISPF panel

Topic 1: TSO familiarization

Exercise 1: System familiarization

Topic 2: Introduction to z/OS data set

Topic 3: Allocating data sets 

Exercise 2: Allocate new data sets

Topic 4: Creating data sets and members

Topic 5: Edit data sets 

Topic 6: Line commands

Topic 7: Copy, move, rename, and delete data sets and members

Exercise 3: ISPF editor primary commands

Exercise 4: ISPF editor Line commands

Exercise 5: Copy, move, rename, and delete data sets and members

Topic 8: Data set lists

Exercise 6: Data set lists 

Unit 4: TSO commands

Topic 1: TSO ISPF commands

Topic 2: Edit data sets using line commands 

Exercise 7: Using TSO/E commands 

Unit 5: JES and JCL

Topic 1: Introduction to JES and JCL

Topic 2: Coding JCL

Topic 3: Submitting jobs using JCL

Topic 4: JCL utilities

Topic 5: Managing data sets using JCL) 

Exercise 8: Submit a job

Exercise 9: JCL exercises 

Exercise 10: Procedures 

Unit 6: UNIX

Topic 1: UNIX system services

Topic 2: File systems 

Topic 3: UNIX program support and security 

Topic 4: Application services

Topic 5: Security

Exercise 11: ISHELL and hierarchical file system


  • Review the main concepts of z/OS
  • Log on to TSO and start ISPF/PDF
  • Navigate through ISPF/PDF dialogs and use the basic ISPF/PDF functions and the ISPF Editor
  • Use ISPF/PDF to allocate data sets and edit data sets (including hierarchical file system (HFS) files) using the ISPF Editor primary and line commands
  • Use ISPF to create and manipulate (copy, rename, delete, list, sort, and merge) data sets
  • Identify security considerations for Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) data sets and HFS files
  • Describe and use TSO/E commands
  • Perform simple modifications to existing ISPF/PDF panels
  • Invoke a REXX exec and TSO CLIST
  • Tailor existing JCL and submit batch jobs
  • Review job status and job output using SDSF
  • Invoke UNIX processes
  • Manipulate HFS directories and file systems using the UNIX System
  • Services ISHELL
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
5 Tage


You should complete:

  • An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES050) or equivalent on-the-job training
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises


This basic course is for IT personnel with a theoretical background of z/OS (for example, as taught in An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES05G)  and some general practical IT experience.

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