
IBM WA590G - WebSphere Application Server V9 Administration

Webinar - Cegos Integrata GmbH


This course teaches you the skills that are needed to administer IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.

This release of IBM WebSphere Application Server provides enhanced support for standards (notably Java 7 EE), emerging technology, and a choice of development frameworks.

In this course, you learn how to configure and maintain IBM WebSphere Application Server V9 in a single-server environment. You learn how to deploy enterprise Java applications in a single computer configuration. In addition, you learn how to work with features of WebSphere Application Server V9, such as the wsadmin scripting interface, security, and performance monitoring.

Hands-on exercises throughout the course give you practical experience with the skills you develop in the lectures.

Termin Ort Preis*
07.04.2025- 09.04.2025 Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2.856,00 €
07.04.2025- 09.04.2025 online 2.856,00 €
21.07.2025- 23.07.2025 München 2.856,00 €
21.07.2025- 23.07.2025 online 2.856,00 €

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*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Course Outline

  • Course introduction
  • WebSphere product family overview
  • WebSphere Application Server architecture - stand-alone
  • Exercise: Profile creation
  • WebSphere Application Server administrative console
  • Exercise: Exploring the administrative console
  • Introduction to the PlantsByWebSphere application
  • Application assembly
  • Exercise: Assembling an application
  • Application installation
  • Exercise: Installing an application
  • Problem determination
  • Exercise: Problem determination
  • Introduction to wsadmin and scripting
  • Exercise: Using wsadmin
  • WebSphere security
  • Exercise: Configuring WebSphere Application Server security
  • Exercise: Configuring application security
  • Performance monitoring
  • Exercise: Using the performance monitoring tools
  • Course summary



After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Relate WebSphere Application Server to the WebSphere family of products
  • Describe the features and standards in WebSphere Application Server V9
  • Describe the use of WebSphere Application Server in cloud, hybrid cloud, and on-premises environments
  • Describe the architectural concepts that are related to WebSphere Application Server
  • Assemble and install server-side Java enterprise applications
  • Use WebSphere administrative tools to configure and manage enterprise applications
  • Use wsadmin scripting
  • Configure WebSphere Application Server security
  • View performance information about server and application components
  • Troubleshoot problems by using problem determination tools and log files



  • Exercise 1: Profile creation
  • Exercise 2: Exploring the administrative console 
  • Exercise 3: Assembling an application 
  • Exercise 4: Installing an application 
  • Exercise 5: Problem determination 
  • Exercise 6: Using wsadmin
  • Exercise 7: Configuring WebSphere Application Server security 
  • Exercise 8: Configuring application security 
  • Exercise 9: Using the performance monitoring tools  
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
3 Tage


  • Basic operational skills for the Linux operating system
  • Administrative skills for a web server, such as IBM HTTP Server or Apache
  • Basic understanding of cloud concepts, private, public, and hybrid clouds, and traditional on-premises environments
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises


This course is designed for administrators who configure and manage web-based applications on WebSphere Application Server. Web administrators, application developers and deployers, security specialists, and application architects can also benefit from this course.

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