
IBM WM410G - webMethods Integration On-Premises Core

Seminar - Cegos Integrata GmbH


This instructor-led course, webMethods Integration On-Premises Core, covers the key features to connect applications and create workflows with webMethods Integration On-Premises. With this training you will expand beyond the basics of webMethods Integration. This course includes hands-on exercises to build needed skills and become self-sufficient with webMethods Integration.

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*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

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Course Outline

Course outline: 

  • Start universal messaging, integration server
  • Document types
  • Create and test a flow service
  • Flow services - Repeat/loop, sequence, try/catch/finally, exit, property template
  • Mapping
  • Validation services and mapping using flow service MAP steps
  • webMethods monitoring
  • Monitoring services
  • Secure connectivity, JSON and XML processing
  • Basic JSON converting
  • Service debugging, unit testing and exception handling
  • Error handling and debugging
  • Basic flat file handling
  • Define flat file structures with a fixed record length and process flat file structures without record IDs
  • Rest API services
  • Messaging using webMethods messaging
  • Publish and subscribe using webMethods messaging
  • webMethods platform error handling
  • Exactly once processing
  • webMethods adapter for JDBC
  • Create JDBC adapter services and notifications



At the end of this course, learners will be able to:


  • Get started with webMethods Integration
  • Understand the webMethods Integration Platform capabilities
  • Use Software Designer
  • Gain a high-level overview of Document Types
  • Use Flow Services and Flow steps
  • Debug and enhance workflows
  • Learn about more advanced features in webMethods
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
32 Stunden
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises


This course is intended for Integration Specialists, Integration Developers and Application Developers.

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