
IBM WM686G - IBM App Connect Enterprise 12 Application Development I

Seminar - Cegos Integrata GmbH


In this course, you learn how to construct message flow applications to transport and transform data. You learn how to process file data and develop REST APIs. The course also explores how to control the flow of data by using various processing nodes, and how to import, build, and test message flow applications. You learn how to test your message flows by using the Flow Exerciser, Message Flow Debugger, and Trace nodes.

Termin Ort Preis*
19.05.2025- 20.05.2025 München 1.904,00 €
19.05.2025- 20.05.2025 online 1.904,00 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Course Outline

  • Course introduction
  • Unit 1. Introduction to IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • Unit 2. Application development fundamentals
  • Exercise 1. Importing and testing a message flow
  • Unit 3. Creating message flow applications
  • Exercise 2. Create a message flow application
  • Unit 4. Controlling the flow of messages
  • Exercise 3. Adding flow control to a message flow application
  • Unit 5. Processing file data
  • Exercise 4. Processing file data
  • Unit 6. Developing integration solutions by using a REST API
  • Exercise 5. Developing a REST API
  • Exercise 6. Invoking a REST API
  • Unit 7. Testing message flows
  • Exercise 7. Testing message flows
  • Course summary


  • Describe the features and uses of IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • Develop, deploy, and test message flow applications
  • Generate message flow applications from predefined patterns
  • Describe the function and appropriate use of IBM App Connect Enterprise processing nodes
  • Use the IBM App Connect Enterprise web user interface to monitor an integration server and a message flow
  • Add flow control to a message flow application
  • Create reusable subflows
  • Process file data in message flows
  • Test message flows by using the message flow debugger
  • Develop and test REST APIs


  • Exercise 1. Importing and testing a message flow
  • Exercise 2. Create a message flow application
  • Exercise 3. Adding flow control to a message flow application
  • Exercise 4. Processing file data
  • Exercise 5. Developing a REST API
  • Exercise 6. Invoking a REST API
  • Exercise 7. Testing message flows 
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 Tage
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises


This course is designed for experienced integration specialists and senior-level developers with experience in application development and messaging middleware applications interested in becoming an IBM App Connect Enterprise Developer.

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