
ISTQB® Certified Tester Advanced Level - Test Manager (English)

Seminar - Cegos Integrata GmbH

With the help of this certification training course we educate you being a ISTQB Test Manager After this training you know the tasks, methods and techniques of software test management from creating and implementing test plans via monitoring, controlling and reporting test activities up to the identification and analysis of risks. Practice-related examples and exercises prepare you to implement the international ISTQB® Certified Tester standard after completing the training and pass-ing the exam in your projects and your organization. The contents of this course relies to the current ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level Test Manager syllabus so the Exam preparation is also included in this training We can organize the ISTQB CTAL Test Manager exam directly after the training or any optional date although a prompt exam-date is recommended.
>Necessary technical requirements and procedure of the online exam

Dieses Seminar ist Teil des Qualifizierungsplaner: 

Test Manager


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Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


This course is based on the ISTQB Certified Tester Syllabus and is delivered by the accredited training provider CGI. It contains the following topics:Testing Process:

  • Test planning, monitoring and control
  • Test analysis
  • Test design
  • Test implementation
  • Test execution
  • Evaluating exit criteria and reporting
  • Test closure activities

Test Management:

  • Test management in context
  • Risk-based testing, approaches for test prioritization and effort allocation
  • Test documentation and other work products
  • Project risk management
  • Other test work products
  • Test estimation
  • Defining and using test metrics
  • Business value of testing
  • Distributed, outsourced, and insourced testing
  • Managing the application of industry standards


  • Management reviews and Audits
  • Managing reviews
  • Metrics for reviews
  • Managing formal reviews

Defect Management:

  • the defect lifecycle and the software development lifecycle
  • Cross-functional defect management
  • Defect report information
  • Assessing process capability with defect report information

Improving the Testing Process:

  • Introduction
  • Test improvement process
  • Improving the testing process (TMMI, TPI Next, CTP, STEP)
  • Comparison of several maturity models

Test Tools and Automation:

  • Concepts
  • Tool categories
  • Tool selection criteria for the most reasonable tool
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Tool lifecycle
  • Tool metrics

People Skills - Team Composition:

  • Individual skills
  • Test team dynamics
  • Fitting testing within an organization
  • Motivation and communication being a task of test managers
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
5 Tage
It is recommended that candidates have an extensive experience in software testing, project management and software development. To take the ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level qualifications, participants must hold the ISTQB Foundation certificate e.g. after visiting the Integrata training course 12230 . It is also recommended that candidates holding a baccalaureate or equivalent degree in soft-ware engineering have a minimum of 18 months verifiable testing experience. It will be helpful to read the ISTQB Advanced Level syllabus prior to attending the course and considering some of the additional reading references listed in the syllabus.The syllabus is available online atISTQB download area
Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies.
This Certified Tester Advanced Level Test Manager training is addressed to Software Tester, Test team leader, IT-Project Manager, Quality Manager, Soft-ware-Developer and anyone else wishing to work in future as a Test Manager according to the international ISTQB standard, and who wants to take the ISTQB CTAL Test Manager exam.
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