
Live-Online: Crash Course Leading Effectively in Germany – a Cultural Perspective: Understanding key cultural values shaping German leadership

Webinar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

This one-day intensive seminar offers international leaders a comprehensive understanding of key aspects of leadership specific to the German cultural context. Participants will explore fundamental cultural values that shape workplace dynamics in Germany and gain practical tools to adapt their leadership style effectively. The seminar covers essential skills for clear communication, structured decision-making, and culturally respectful conflict resolution, empowering leaders to navigate the German workplace with confidence and cultural awareness.
Termin Ort Preis*
25.06.2025 online 1.059,10 €
15.09.2025 online 1.059,10 €
12.12.2025 online 1.059,10 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Module 1: German Leadership Values and Expectations

  • Overview of Core Values: Discussion on Ordnung (order), Pflichtbewusstsein (duty), and task-orientation in German culture.
  • Case Discussion: Analyse examples of German leadership styles in action (e.g., case studies from German companies).
  • Reflection Exercise: Compare German leadership values to participants’ cultural backgrounds to identify key differences.

Module 2: Communication and Feedback

  • Directness in Communication: Explore why clarity and directness are valued and how to communicate concisely and effectively.
  • Feedback Practices: Learn techniques for providing constructive feedback in a manner that is both straightforward and respectful.

Module 3: Decision-Making and Authority

  • Hierarchical but Collaborative Approach: Discuss the balance between hierarchy and consensus in German teams.
  • Structured Decision-Making: Explore how German organizations often prioritize data-driven, systematic approaches.
  • Interactive Exercise: Simulate a team decision-making scenario, focusing on respectful contributions within a structured framework.

Module 4: Conflict Resolution Strategies

  • Culturally Sensitive Conflict Management: Learn how Germans approach conflict with a preference for straightforward yet tactful confrontation.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
1 Tag

By the end of the day, participants will:

  • Understand key cultural values shaping German leadership.
  • Communicate effectively and give feedback in ways that align with German workplace norms.
  • Identify strategies to adapt your leadership style to foster collaboration and respect.
  • Have practical conflict resolution techniques relevant to a German cultural context.

This 1-day seminar delivers core insights and actionable strategies, enabling participants to lead confidently within a German cultural framework.



International executives in Germany who need to understand German leadership culture to succeed in their roles and international leaders, managers, or team leads working in Germany or collaborating frequently with German teams.

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