
Live-Online: Leading International Teams Successfully: How to create and lead winning teams

Webinar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Team leaders often struggle with the complexity and demands of leading teams. In an international context, they are additionally confronted with unfamiliar cultural behaviour that they do not understand or even recognise. This seminar is aimed at providing you with the peace of mind and confidence to deal with these challenges. You are provided with a framework for leading teams effectively and how to use and adapt this framework for dealing with team members from different cultures. This helps to promote understanding within the team and to avoid conflicts - which in turn leads to better team performance.
Termin Ort Preis*
05.05.2025- 07.05.2025 online 2.189,60 €
01.12.2025- 03.12.2025 online 2.189,60 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Developing successful teams

  • What makes a successful team?
  • Challenges of leading intercultural teams/virtual teams.
  • Creating values and goals.
  • Developing team code of conduct and buy in.

Leading and managing a team 

  • Differences between leading and managing a team.
  • Tasks and characteristics of a leader.
  • Different management styles.
  • Different cultural management styles.
  • Identifying your own style.
  • How to delegate efficiently.

Basic communication skills      

  • How to use different communication models.
  • Avoiding misunderstandings.
  • Giving and receiving feedback.
  • DifferentfFeedback techniques.
  • Giving feedback in an intercultural context.

Understanding team dynamics

  • Team development stages.
  • Motivation theories and techniques.
  • Practical application for motivating teams. 

Handling conflicts effectively

  • Understanding your own conflict style.
  • How to manage different cultural conflict resolution styles.
  • Conflict resolution techniques.
  • Handling conflicts in an international context.

Working with international teams

  • Understanding the effect of culture.
  • Dealing with misperception and intercultural communication in a team.
  • The influence of the different cultural dimensions.
  • How to manage the 5 main cultural issues successfully.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
3 days

After attending the seminar you will be able to:

  • lead and motivate your team effectively,
  • decisively deal with cultural differences in the team,
  • give feedback in a culturally sensitive way,
  • proactively avoid potential areas of conflict and misunderstanding,
  • adapt your leadership style to get the best results from the team,
  • increase your team's motivation, communication and performance.

Team leaders, project leaders and especially those who lead or will be leading international teams.

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