
Live-Online: Scrum Product Owner Certification Training: Developing better solutions with agile product management

Webinar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Agile project management is a well-established method, even outside the IT sector. The Product Owner assumes a key role, from planning the product strategy to requirements management all the way through to reviewing work results. Comprehensive methodological know-how and perfect communication with clients and the development team are essential. In this training, you learn how to perfectly execute the role of the Scrum Product Owner. You’ll be optimally prepared for the Professional Scrum Product Owner® I* exam (
Termin Ort Preis*
18.09.2025- 19.09.2025 online 2.011,10 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar



  • Why product development with Scrum?
  • Scrum – an overview.
  • Differences to “classic” product management.

Managing products

  • Agile product management – iterative and geared towards added value!
  • Developing products – vision, roadmap, backlog.
  • The Product Owner – a key role!

Managing requirements

  • Recognising and describing requirements.
  • Reviewing and monitoring completion.

Planning products

  • Agile release planning.
  • Controlling products using metrics.

Introducing agile product development

  • Organisational environment and responsibility.
  • Agile values – trust and result orientation.
  • Experiences and best practices.

Preparation for the Professional Scrum Product Owner® (PSPO I)* certification in accordance with

  • What you need to know.
  • How the exam works.
  • The preparation you need to pass.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days

After visiting this training, you’ll be familiar with

  • the benefits and challenges of agile product development
  • the role of the agile Product Owner
  • how you can support Scrum Teams in implementation
  • approaches to agile planning and controlling and be able to apply these to your projects
  • the methods of agile requirements management
  • how to apply the principles of agile management to your topics.

You know which content is relevant for the PSPO I* exam and how to optimally prepare for it.
After attending this seminar, you will receive confirmation that you have completed 13,00 PDUs.
You complete the exam after the training at a time that best suits you. The seminar and the exam (60 minutes) are in English.
The exam fee is included in the price of the seminar.
* The Professional Scrum Product Owner® I assessment is fully owned and maintained by


Product managers, project managers, managers and heads of department, business analysts, release managers, IT development managers.

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