
Live-Online: Time Management and Self-Organization: Do the right things and do things right.

Webinar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

This course is designed to strengthen and practice methods that participants can use to optimise their use of available time and improve their self-organisation skills. Learn to analyse your present utilisation of your time and to identify opportunities for improvement. Key topics such as priority setting, task-management, self-management and target-setting will be covered. In this interactive seminar, participants will learn to create a healthy and motivating work-life-balance. Work organization and digital communication habits will be discussed and optimisation potential identified. This includes tips and tricks to organise the tasks you set for yourself as well as the ones you are given. Finally, new hybrid working environments will be covered in connection with time management and self-organization. Special attention will also be placed on video conferencing and intercultural differences between regions and cultures.
Termin Ort Preis*
15.04.2025- 16.04.2025 online 1.832,60 €
22.09.2025- 23.09.2025 online 1.832,60 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Time management principles and techniques

  • Writing effective to-do lists.
  • Setting reachable targets.
  • Planning and managing tasks.
  • Working efficiently and delegating tasks.
  • Home office and time management.


  • Goals in a work-life-balance context.
  • Determining your priorities.
  • Effective communication.
  • Awareness of weaknesses, use of strengths.
  • Competencies of successful self-management.
  • Mid-term planning and strategic objectives (long-term).
  • Dealing with stress, anger and fears.
  • Discipline in home office.

Work organisation

  • Desktop organisation.
  • Optimised filing.
  • IT files and organisation.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days
  • Develop fitting ways of managing yourself and your tasks and become able to tackle short, medium and long-term tasks and goals in a more relaxed and confident manner.
  • Get to know and use methods and techniques which enable the efficient time usage while also taking your work-life-balance into consideration.
  • Learn to manage business communication so that it enhances your work-day instead of becoming a disturbance.
  • Brush up on your English and learn phrases applicable to schedules, priorities and goal achievement.
  • Take home office environments into consideration.



Specialists, high potentials, and managers as well as project managers who need to optimise their use of time, strengthen their confidence in priority setting, and their ability to communicate tasks in English. All those who need to work in projects or teams in the English language in every-day business and task-oriented activities. Anyone who wants to improve his or her work-life-balance. All people who want to improve their own self-organisation and optimize their use of available time. This seminar is of great advantage for anyone feeling stress due to „too many“ tasks and „too little“ time.

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