
Online Course: Deepening our Peace Practice

E-Learning - Akademie für Konflikttransformation im forumZFD Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e. V.

Die Akademie für Konflikttransformation des forumZFD bietet vom 16. September bis 25. November 2024 eine Online-Weiterbildung im Bereich Friedensarbeit an. Dieser 11-wöchige Kurs findet berufsbegleitend statt und richtet sich an Fachleute aus dem Bereich der Friedens- und Konfliktarbeit sowie aus den verwandten Bereichen der humanitären Hilfe und der Entwicklungsarbeit. Der Kurs wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt, die nachfolgenden Informationen sind daher auf Englisch.
Termin Ort Preis*
16.09.2024- 25.11.2024 online 2.000,00 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Peace and conflict work is an evolving field. While practitioners should be equipped with the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes that they need to effectively support the peacebuilding and conflict transformation efforts in specific contexts, they should also be familiar with the current and emerging themes and discourses. This deepening and broadening of perspectives will greatly support to achieving more meaningful and constructive impacts within the communities.

This online course offers to practitioners, a mixture of established and emerging approaches, concepts and tools in current practices of peace work, which can also be applied in the related fields of development and humanitarian work. Further, this course will serve as a platform for practitioners to reflect critically on the benefits, as well as the limits of applying these current themes and approaches.

The course utilizes the elicitive training model, where trainers and participants are equals and are both sources of knowledge. It is also based on the adult learning approach where the participants are engaged in the process, utilizing their own experiences as a resources, and where their learning journey are oriented towards application in the near future.

Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
11 Wochen
  • At least 3 years’ field experience (preferably in project design, implementation and monitoring)
  • Working knowledge or familiarity with peacebuilding and conflict transformation, as well as Do No harm and PME
  • Ability to devout at least 10 hours per week for the online learning
  • Willingness to share their experiences and exchange with the participants, and engage in groups
  • Fluent spoken English and ability to actively participate in an online discussion/discourse
Technische Voraussetzungen:
High-quality stable internet connection (at least 1 Mbit download/upload), a computer with functioning camera and microphone as well as key software: Zoom and firefox or Google Chrome.

The online course offers the following modules:

  • Introduction
  • Power and Identity
  • Systems thinking in Conflict Transformation
  • Environment, People and Conflict
  • Steering Stakeholder Processes
  • Peace Programming with better impacts
  • Wrap up and closing
An international group of 16 practitioners from the field of peace and conflict work, and from the related fields of humanitarian aid and development work.
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