
Persuasion and Influence: Speak Up and Convince!: Reach your Audience - even in International Settings

Seminar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

How convincing are your ideas? When you want to persuade, can you successfully adapt to your audience? Do you know how to back-up your ideas with reasons that others find convincing, using effective rhetorical devices? Effective persuasion is the ability to influence the behaviour of others. It is a skill that is extremely important in business and personal relationships. In this hands-on seminar you will sustainably optimise your personal linguistic style and gain in persuasiveness and influence.
Termin Ort Preis*
08.05.2025- 09.05.2025 Eching 1.832,60 €
13.08.2025- 14.08.2025 Frankfurt am Main 1.832,60 €
30.10.2025- 31.10.2025 Berlin 1.832,60 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar



  • Building credibility.
  • Creating rapport.
  • Understanding different personalities and persuasion styles.
  • Persuasion triggers.
  • Non verbal persuasive techniques.
  • The role of emotion in decision making.


  • Framing your argument to influence outcome.
  • Influence through information.
  • Types of questioning and influence.
  • Increasing your sphere of influence.
  • Overcoming resistance.

Language and comprehensibility

  • Communicating information sustainably and sensibly.
  • Improving verbal expression.
  • Rhetorical devices.
  • Using the language of persuasion.

Knockout presentations

  • Knockout opening and closings.
  • Signposting and structure.
  • Rhetorical devices.
  • The power of voice and performance.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days

You will

  • learn the essentials of persuasion and influence,
  • develop your ability to persuade and convince,
  • become more effective when speaking and presenting,
  • learn how to adapt your message to different communication styles,
  • become more calm, confident and poised,
  • win your audience over with non-verbal communication,
  • learn important English vocabulary needed to persuade effectively.

Anyone who would like to learn how to effectively persuade and influence colleagues and clients to achieve business goals. It is also for managers and experts who want to represent their international firm confidently in English.

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