
Pesticide Residues in Food: 13th Conference

E-Learning - Die Akademie Fresenius GmbH

This conference is dealing with the latest developments in the detection of pesticide residues in food. For experts of residue analysis a compact programme is offered on regulation, method & tool development and monitoring.
Termin Ort Preis*
01.07.2025- 02.07.2025 online 1.422,05 €
01.07.2025- 02.07.2025 Düsseldorf 2.374,05 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Bring your knowledge up to speed and get all the important updates!

Authorities, food and pesticide industry, research and laboratories - all around the table in 2025 again. The popular Akademie Fresenius Conference “Pesticide Residues in Food” enters its next round. It is the place to be to receive all the latest updates, meet your peers and join important discussions in a comfortable conference atmosphere. Reason enough for many participants to attend regularly. So don’t miss out to secure your place for the upcoming event!

Highlights of the last edition:

Regulatory requirements and guideline developments

  • Developments on pesticides residues – update from DG SANTE
  • Short update from the OECD expert group on residue analytical methods

Monitoring: Programmes and challenges

  • 2021 EU annual report on pesticide residues in food
  • Food monitoring in the United Kingdom
  • Food monitoring in India
  • Pesticides and the rapid alert system
  • Processing factors

Analytical methods and tools

  • Analysis of pesticides entailing esters and conjugates in their residue definition
  • New chromatography and clean up advances in multiresidue methods for pesticide residues
  • GC-MS/MS analysis of pesticide residues applying H2 carrier gas instead of He
  • Selective analysis of dithiocarbamates by classes
  • Inclusion of metabolites in routine pesticide monitoring: the German metabolite project
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 Tage

Who do you meet?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Residue analysis and food chemistry
  • Monitoring
  • Quality assurance and control
  • Food and consumer safety
  • Legal and regulatory affairs
  • Registration
  • Research and development
  • Raw material management

Sectors that should take part:

  • Agrochemical industry
  • Food and drink industry
  • Competent authorities, regulatory bodies and research institutes
  • Testing laboratories and contract research organisations (CROs)
  • Consultancies
  • Professional associations
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