Rolle: Developer; Power Platform Developer Associate; Exam PL-400. Sie lernen, wie Sie effektiv mit Microsoft Power Platform Geschäftsprozesse vereinfachen und automatisieren. Sie erstellen Power App und automatisierte Abläufe, und erhalten einen Überblick über die erweiterten Möglichkeiten mit Power Platform.
#- How to build your first model-driven app with Dataverse - Get started with model-driven apps in Power Apps - Manage tables in Dataverse - Create and manage columns within a table in Dataverse - Working with choices in Dataverse - Create a relationship between tables in Dataverse - Define and create business rules in Dataverse - Create and define calculation or rollup columns in Dataverse - Get started with security roles in Dataverse - Get started with Power Apps canvas apps - Customize a canvas app in Power Apps - Manage apps in Power Apps - Navigation in a canvas app in Power Apps - How to build the User Interface in a canvas app in Power Apps - Use and understand Controls in a canvas app in Power Apps - Document and test your Power Apps application - Use imperative development techniques for canvas apps in Power Apps - Create formulas that use tables, records, and collections in a canvas app in Power Apps - Perform custom updates in a Power Apps canvas app - Complete testing and performance checks in a Power Apps canvas app - Work with relational data in a Power Apps canvas app - Work with data source limits (delegation limits) in a Power Apps canvas app - Connect to other data in a Power Apps canvas app - Use custom connectors in a Power Apps canvas app - Get started with Power Automate - Build approval flows with Power Automate - Introduction to expressions in Power Automate - Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform developer resources - Use developer tools to extend Power Platform - Introduction to extending Power Platform - Introduction to Dataverse for developers - Extend plug-ins in Power Platform - Perform common actions with client script in Power Platform - Automate business process flows with client script - Get started with Power Apps component framework - Build a Power Apps component - Use advanced features with Power Apps component framework - Work with Dataverse Web API - Integrate Dataverse Azure solutions
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Sie haben ein Basiswissen rund um Power Platfom, sowie Entwicklungskenntnisse in JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, C#, HTML, .NET, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, RESTful Web Services, ASP.NET, und Power BI.
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