
Preventing and Solving Conflicts Constructively: Basics of conflict management and resolution

Seminar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

In everyday work life, but especially during times of significant change, leaders, managers, and employees need to be able to deal with tension, friction and differences which arise. In this seminar, you will gain the knowledge and skills to manage the various conflict escalation levels and develop the optimal solutions. Going a step further, you will get to know how to prevent conflicts by being aware of signals or behavioural patterns and reactions, even before they occur. Moreover, the seminar will focus on how teams can overcome their differences and conflicts and improve their communication and collaboration. You will be able to develop your own positive attitude towards conflicts. This not only saves effort and time, but also nerves.
Termin Ort Preis*
03.04.2025- 04.04.2025 Garching b.München 1.832,60 €
01.07.2025- 02.07.2025 Köln 1.832,60 €
26.11.2025- 27.11.2025 Teltow 1.832,60 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Achieving your goals

  • Making all parts involved aware that conflict can be regarded as a chance.
  • Model of conflict management.
  • Levels of conflict development.
  • Recognizing and assessing conflict.
  • Managing conflict.
  • Resolving conflict constructively.
  • Preventing conflict by recognizing signals and changes.
  • How effective conflict management encourages teamwork and helps to achieve teams’ goals.
  • Inspiring your team and colleagues to see the advantages of open and honest communication.
  • Building healthy, communicative, and trustworthy relationships through open communication.

Group-dynamic processes

  • Importance of group-dynamic processes when working with or in teams and groups.
  • Group-dynamic model by Tuckmann (norming, storming, forming, performing) and how to put it into practice in order to avoid conflict.

Communicative skills

  • Strategies of ”active listening” to clarify needs.
  • Non-violent communication (Marshall Rosenberg) with concrete advice on how to adjust your choice of words and improve your non-verbal communication skills.
  • Giving and receiving feedback.

Working in international contexts

  • ”Ethnocentrism”, bias and prejudice as a source of conflict.
  • Increasing the intercultural competence by developing an awareness for different influencing parameters, based on differing values, cultures, traditions and working habits.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days

You will be able to

  • develop your own positive attitude to conflict,
  • develop your individual communication style,
  • develop an approach to solution-oriented improvements whenever conflict occurs,
  • help your team address and overcome conflict and foster relationships within your team,
  • develop an empathetic communication style within your team,
  • increase the motivation, communication, and performance of your team,
  • increase cultural awareness and skills required to work in and with international teams,
  • become more sensitive to value system, cultural and traditional differences.
  • improve your ability to recognize potential conflict before it arises.

Group and/or team leaders and managers, project owners, executives or team members working with/in international teams that use English as their means of communication. You are interested in getting practical advice on how to resolve conflict effectively.

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