
Time Management - Zeitmanagement in englisch

Seminar - .edulab seminare

Zeitmanagement Training in englischer Sprache
With time management, you can not only use your time more efficiently. You will also enjoy your work more and have more time for the important things in your life - both privately and professionally. This time management training opens up opportunities for you to make better use of your skills. Good time management is a key qualification for motivation and success. Optionally, guidelines for your own everyday working life are developed directly in the seminar. This leaves more time for the essentials - regardless of what they are for you. And if all techniques fail, the tips on stress management will help you.
Termin Ort Preis*
firmenintern auf Anfrage 999,60 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Time Management - Zeitmanagement in Englisch

With time management, you can not only use your time more efficiently. You will also enjoy your work more and have more time for the important things in your life - both privately and professionally. This time management training opens up opportunities for you to make better use of your skills. Good time management is a key qualification for motivation and success. Optionally, guidelines for your own everyday working life are developed directly in the seminar. This leaves more time for the essentials - regardless of what they are for you. And if all techniques fail, the tips on stress management will help you.

Time Management Training contents

    Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
    09:00-16.30 8 UE
    Optimize your time management
    You must be able to follow the timemanagement training in English
    Time Management documents for the time management training participants
    Time Management interested Professionals
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