
Time- and Self-Management for Leaders: Prioritise - Delegate - Achieve

Webinar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Leaders live in a fast and complex world. Day-to-day business must be managed, and strategic goals must be achieved. Self-organisation and consistent time planning are good tools for managing these tasks. In this training you will identify your personal working style and optimise collaboration with your team and important partners. Learn to delegate consistently and effectively, and to set and follow priorities. You will recognise and reduce time wasters to gain focus. Allocate more time for the essentials in the medium and long term.
Termin Ort Preis*
26.06.2025- 25.07.2025 online 1.951,60 €
03.12.2025- 14.01.2026 online 1.951,60 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


The personal working style

  • Analyse and make the best use of your own working style as a leader.
  • Avoid typical time traps in self-organisation.
  • Identify the opportunities and risks of delegation and teamwork.

Core tasks: Setting and maintaining priorities

  • Methods and challenges of setting priorities.
  • Pursuing strategic goals, securing and maintaining time for the essentials.

Delegation as a leadership tool

  • Principles of successful delegation.
  • Recognising and maintaining the high benefits of delegation.

Time Management toolbox

  • Basics of effective daily and weekly planning.
  • Plan realistically to stay productive and motivated.
  • Staying balanced in the long term, even with a high volume of work.

Effective digital Self-Management

  • Manage the flood of emails.
  • Keep track of your own and delegated tasks.
  • Leverage the benefits of digital tools through synchronised use.

Stay focused – professionally reduce distractions and time traps

  • Identify common time stealers and reduce them quickly and consistently.
  • Improve your workflow and the focus of your team.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days + Online Exchange of experiences 90 Min
  • You will analyse your working style and optimise the way you work in/with your team.
  • You will be able to set challenging goals and priorities and to pursue them consistently.
  • You will acquire methods to keep strategic tasks in view.
  • You will learn to delegate effectively.
  • You will get to know how to professionalise your digital self-organisation.
  • You will identify your personal stumbling blocks and increase your leverage to make necessary adjustments.
  • You will also learn where you as a leader can start to increase the efficiency of your staff.

Junior Leaders, who have recently taken on their role as a leader or are preparing for the transition to a leading position.

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