
e-Learning: Reimbursement for the German Healthcare Market - A comprehensive reimbursement guide including the latest Hot Topics.

Webinar - FORUM Institut für Management GmbH

- Module 1: Basic and general information on Reimbursement
- Module 2: Reimbursement - Out-patient
- Module 3: Reimbursement - In-patient - DRG-System
- Module 4: Hybrid-DRGs
- Module 5: Hospital Reform
- Module 6: DiGA
- Module 7: Health Market Data Research
Termin Ort Preis*
31.12.2025 online 702,10 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar

This e-Learning is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of the different types of reimbursement in the German healthcare market. - After a general overview of the topic (Module 1), reimbursement in the outpatient (Module 2) and inpatient sectors or, in the latter case, the DRG system (Module 3) is highlighted. Reimbursement of digital health applications (DiGA) and health market data research is also part of the e-Learning. - As major changes in the German healthcare system are imminent with hybrid DRGs (Module 4) and the new hospital reform (Module 5), which will have a serious impact on practice, we will also bring you up to date here. The introduction of hybrid DRGs is intended to enable more differentiated and more precise billing in the hospital system. This should improve both the quality and efficiency of care. The new hospital reform aims to further develop structures and processes in the hospital sector and to ensure sustainable financing. These changes will have a significant impact on the health care system in Germany. Here you will receive up-to-date information on the upcoming changes right from the start.
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