
Certified Datacentre Environmental Sustainability Specialist - CDESS® - Course Language: English

Webinar - PROKODA GmbH

Certified Datacentre Environmental Sustainability Specialist - CDESS® - Course Language: English
Termin Ort Preis*
17.03.2025- 18.03.2025 online 2.171,75 €
23.06.2025- 24.06.2025 online 2.171,75 €
01.09.2025- 02.09.2025 online 2.171,75 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

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The CDESS® course is aimed at providing knowledge of the standards and guidelines related to environmental sustainability, and how to move your data centre (existing or new) to a more environmentally sustainable design and operations.

Course Benefits/After completion of the course the participant will be able to:

Understand the impact of data centres on the environment

Describe the various environmental/energy management standards

Understand the purpose and goals of the legally binding international treaties on climate change

Implement various sustainable performance metrics and how to use them in the data centre environment

Manage data centre environmental sustainability using international standards

Set up the measurement, monitoring and reporting of energy usage

Use power efficiency indicators in a variety of data centre designs

Use best practices for energy savings in the electrical infrastructure and in the mechanical (cooling) infrastructure

Use best practices for energy savings for the ICT equipment and data storage

Understand the importance of water management and waste management

Understand the different ways to use sustainable energy in the data centre

Get practical tips and innovative ideas to make a data centre more sustainable


There is no specifc prerequisite for the CDESS course. However, participants who already have at least one or two years’ experience in a data centre or facilities environment may be best suited. Those with no experience just yet are most welcome to participate.

  • Spoken Language: English
  • Course Materials: English
  • Exam Language: English

The primary audience for this course is any IT, facilities or data centre professional who works in and around the data centre and has the responsibility to achieve and improve efficiency and environmental sustainability, whilst maintaining the availability and manageability of the data centre.

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