
Global Labelling and Company Core Datasheet (CCDS) - Enhancing efficiency and compliance in global labelling

Webinar - FORUM Institut für Management GmbH

- The CCDS - central element in the labelling process
- CCDS in product development and throughout the product life cycle
- Content and structure of the CCDS
- Implementation of CCDS changes in global/local product information
- Case studies and regulatory requirements from relevant markets
Termin Ort Preis*
11.04.2025 online 1.535,10 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar

The Company Core Data Sheet (CCDS) serves as the central reference for all information related to a medicinal product. Any errors made here - whether in content or execution - can impact package inserts worldwide, ultimately affecting the perception and use of the product. Therefore, the CCDS should not be considered in isolation but rather as part of an intricate system, involving close collaboration between all central departments. - In this seminar, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the CCDS concept and the requirements for global labelling. We will delve into the interrelations between the CCDS, pharmacovigilance, regulatory affairs database systems, and the role of the Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV). - The afternoon workshop, featuring case studies, will provide practical insights into market-specific requirements (with a focus on the EU and USA), regional labelling considerations, and their influence on the CCDS.
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