
How to deal with hostile SEP licensing requests - The Internet of Things: Patents and Standards

Webinar - FORUM Institut für Management GmbH

- Why SEP licensing requests are different
- How fast you need to react and why you should not leave this to the supplier of the telecommunications unit
- Who needs to take action: OEM or telecommunication-unit supplier?
- FRAND: calculation of fees & drafting of licence agreements
- Dealing with patent assertion entities, patent pools and chip manufacturers
- Case study on a typical licensing request
Termin Ort Preis*
22.05.2025 online 1.523,20 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

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Obtaining patent notices for standardessential patents (SEPs) and negotiating patent licences that have to be 'fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory' (FRAND) are already an integral part of the daily operations of companies in the telecommunications and car manufacturing industry. Such activities are now also becoming increasingly common in companies in other industries: smart home, smart metering, streaming, EV charging and others - every networked product can be affected. They receive patent notices for hostile licence requests or are even sued. This practical seminar will teach participants how the recipient of a licencing request should act in order to avoid an injunction. The speakers show how fast one needs to react, how patent royalty rates are assessed to be considered FRAND and how offers and contracts relating to the licencing of SEPs can be drafted.
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