
IBM SPSS Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe

Lernformate der IBM SPSS Schulungen
Präsenzunterricht // Onlinekurs bzw. Fernkurs // Kombination Präsenz & Online

Auf finden Sie aktuell 13 Schulungen (mit 17 Terminen) zum Thema IBM SPSS mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:


  • 25.10.2024
  • online
  • 952,00 €
1 weiterer Termin


This course presents advanced models available in IBM SPSS Modeler. The participant is first introduced to a technique named PCA/Factor, to reduce the number of fields to a number of core factors, referred to as components or factors. The next topics focus on supervised models, including Support Vector Machines, Random Trees, and XGBoost. Methods are reviewed on how to analyze text data, combine individual models into a single model, and how to enhance the power of IBM SPSS Modeler by adding external models, developed in Python or R, to the Modeling palette.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


This course presents advanced models available in IBM SPSS Modeler. The participant is first introduced to a technique named PCA/Factor, to reduce the number of fields to a number of core factors, referred to as components or factors. The next topics focus on supervised models, including Support Vector Machines, Random Trees, and XGBoost. Methods are reviewed on how to analyze text data, combine individual models into a single model, and how to enhance the power of IBM SPSS Modeler by adding external models, developed in Python or R, to the Modeling palette.


  • 02.12.2024- 03.12.2024
  • online
  • 1.904,00 €


This course provides an application-oriented introduction to advanced statistical methods available in IBM SPSS Statistics. Students will review a variety of advanced statistical techniques and discuss situations in which each technique would be used, the assumptions made by each method, how to set up the analysis, and how to interpret the results. This includes a broad range of techniques for predicting variables, as well as methods to cluster variables and cases.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


This course provides an application-oriented introduction to advanced statistical methods available in IBM SPSS Statistics. Students will review a variety of advanced statistical techniques and discuss situations in which each technique would be used, the assumptions made by each method, how to set up the analysis, and how to interpret the results. This includes a broad range of techniques for predicting variables, as well as methods to cluster variables and cases.


  • 21.11.2024- 22.11.2024
  • online
  • 1.904,00 €


This course provides an introduction to supervised models, unsupervised models, and association models. This is an application-oriented course and examples include predicting whether customers cancel their subscription, predicting property values, segment customers based on usage, and market basket analysis.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


This course provides an introduction to supervised models, unsupervised models, and association models. This is an application-oriented course and examples include predicting whether customers cancel their subscription, predicting property values, segment customers based on usage, and market basket analysis.


  • 19.08.2024- 20.08.2024
  • online
  • 1.904,00 €
2 weitere Termine


This course provides the foundations of using IBM SPSS Modeler and introduces the participant to data science. The principles and practice of data science are illustrated using the CRISP-DM methodology. The course provides training in the basics of how to import, explore, and prepare data with IBM SPSS Modeler v18.2, and introduces the student to modeling.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


This course provides the foundations of using IBM SPSS Modeler and introduces the participant to data science. The principles and practice of data science are illustrated using the CRISP-DM methodology. The course provides training in the basics of how to import, explore, and prepare data with IBM SPSS Modeler v18.2, and introduces the student to modeling.


  • 04.12.2024- 05.12.2024
  • online
  • 1.904,00 €


This course guides students through the fundamentals of using IBM SPSS Statistics for typical data analysis. Students will learn the basics of reading data, data definition, data modification, data analysis, and presentation of analytical results. In addition to the fundamentals, students will learn shortcuts that will help them save time. This course uses the IBM SPSS Statistics Base one section presents an add-on module, IBM SPSS Custom Tables.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


This course guides students through the fundamentals of using IBM SPSS Statistics for typical data analysis. Students will learn the basics of reading data, data definition, data modification, data analysis, and presentation of analytical results. In addition to the fundamentals, students will learn shortcuts that will help them save time. This course uses the IBM SPSS Statistics Base one section presents an add-on module, IBM SPSS Custom Tables.

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