
IBM WB879G - IBM Business Automation Workflow 23.0.2: Introduction to Case Management Solutions

Seminar - Cegos Integrata GmbH


This one-day introductory course integrates training in Case Management methods and implementation with IBM Business Automation Workflow (BAW). The course introduces IBM Business Automation Workflow along with its key capabilities. You learn case management concepts, architecture, and the benefits of using IBM Business Automation Workflow on Cloud. You also learn how to manage cases in the BAW Case Client. The course ends with building your first case solution and deploying it.

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*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

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Course Outline

  • Course introduction
  • Unit 1. Introduction to IBM Business Automation Workflow
  • Unit 2. Managing cases in IBM Business Automation Workflow Case Client
  • Exercise 1. Managing cases in IBM Business Automation Workflow Case Client
  • Unit 3. Building and deploying a case solution
  • Exercise 2. Building your first case solution
  • Course summary


After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe the key capabilities of IBM Business Automation Workflow
  • Understand the high-level architecture for IBM Business Automation Workflow
  • Identify the Workflow Center components
  • Explain the Case management concepts
  • Describe the benefits of using IBM Business Automation Workflow on Cloud
  • Create, process, and split cases in BAW Case Client for an existing case solution
  • Add documents and runtime activities to a case in BAW Case Client
  • Understand the Case solution design
  • Build and deploy a case solution
  • Export, delete, and import a case solution
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
8 Stunden


Before taking this course, you should have: 

  • Familiarity with case management concepts
  • Basic knowledge of programming techniques
  • Understanding of JavaScript  
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises


This course is intended for case solution developers of IBM Business Automation Workflow.

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