
Insights Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe

Lernformate der Insights Schulungen
Präsenzunterricht // Onlinekurs bzw. Fernkurs // Kombination Präsenz & Online

Auf finden Sie aktuell 209 Schulungen (mit 749 Terminen) zum Thema Insights mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:


  • 24.09.2024
  • online
  • 892,50 €
3 weitere Termine

We are living in a world increasingly driven by data. Besides, big data is also the driving force behind many ongoing waves of revolution, including artificial intelligence, data science and Internet of Things (IoT). Thereby, how to leverage big data and extract insights from data is our primary concern. To define our data strategy, we should better understand how big data is organized, analyzed and interpreted. Big Data on Alibaba Cloud specialty course is for you to understand big data and prioritize data technologies to drive value and growth. In this course, we show you how to use MaxCompute, DataIDE, HybridDB and some other related services to build big data applications and solutions.


  • 30.09.2024
  • online
  • 946,05 €
2 weitere Termine

Course Introduction

  • Instructor introduction
  • Learning objectives
  • Course structure and objectives
  • Course logistics and agenda

Module 1: Governance at Scale

  • Governance at scale focal points
  • Business and Technical Challenges

Module 2: Governance Automation

  • Multi-account strategies, guidance, and architecture
  • Environments for agility and governance at scale
  • Governance with AWS Control Tower
  • Use cases for governance at scale

Module 3: Preventive Controls

  • Enterprise environment challenges for developers
  • AWS Service Catalog
  • Resource creation
  • Workflows for provisioning accounts
  • Preventive cost and security governance
  • Self-service with existing IT service management (ITSM) tools
  • Lab 1: Deploy Resources for AWS Catalog
  • Create a new AWS Service Catalog portfolio and product.
  • Add an IAM role to a launch constraint to limit the actions the product can perform.
  • Grant access for an IAM role to view the catalog items.
  • Deploy an S3 bucket from an AWS Service Catalog product.

Module 4: Detective Controls

Operations aspect of governance at scale

Resource monitoring

Configuration rules for auditing

Operational insights


Clean up accounts

Lab 2: Compliance and Security Automation w...

  • 19.08.2024- 22.08.2024
  • München
  • 2.606,10 €
9 weitere Termine

AZ-801 Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services


  • 28.08.2024- 29.08.2024
  • online
  • 1.541,05 €
5 weitere Termine

In dieser 2-tägigen Schulung "Azure PaaS für Entwickler Grundlagen" lernen Sie die Grundlagen von Azure PaaS für Entwickler kennen. Sie werden mit Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) und serverlosen Anwendungen vertraut gemacht und erfahren mehr über Microsoft Graph, REST, oAuth und JSON. Zudem erhalten Sie Einblicke in App Services, Logic Apps, Webjobs, Functions, Web Apps, API Apps, Media Services, CDN, DRM und Zertifikatsdienste sowie Traffic Manager. Des Weiteren erwerben Sie Kenntnisse über verschiedene Datenbanken wie Cosmos DB, Search und SQL Datenbanken und erfahren mehr über Datenanalyse mit Machine Learning, Analysis Services, Data Factory, Log Analytics und Application Insights. Außerdem werden Enterprise Integration mit Automation, Service Bus, Notification Hub, Event Hub und Event Grid behandelt.


  • 26.08.2024
  • online
  • 952,00 €


In this course, the learner is guided through a realistic data science project. The project focuses on extracting business insights from large amounts of unstructured voice data, by using IBM Watson APIs. Starting from voice recorded customer reviews, the data are transcribed by using Watson Speech to Text and then are analyzed for emotion and keywords by using Watson Discovery. The structured results are stored in a tabular form and used to extract business insights in Watson Studio.


The course focuses on hands-on coding exercises that provide an opportunity to work with Watson Studio, Watson Discovery, and Watson Speech to Text. The exercises guide the learner on importing data and manipulating in a Watson Studio project, activate instances of installed services, and authenticate API connections by using Jupyter Notebooks. The exercises also introduce how to configure Watson Speech to Text and create custom language models, work with Watson Discovery, and introduce enrichments. Also, every exercise demonstrates suitable data manipulation that results in saved structured data.


The three hands-on exercises are included in this course, each focusing on a Jupyter Notebook and correspond to the three modules of the course. The necessary data, notebooks, and services are all available in the corresponding lab environment.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


In this course, the learner is guided through a realistic data science project. The project focuses on extracting business insights from large amounts of unstructured voice data, by using IBM Watson APIs. Starting from voice recorded customer reviews, the data are transcribed by using Watson Speech to Text and then are analyzed for emotion and keywords by using Watson Discovery. The structured results are stored in a tabular form and used to extract business insights in Watson Studio.


The course focuses on hands-on coding exercises that provide an opportunity to work with Watson Studio, Watson Discovery, and Watson Speech to Text. The exercises guide the learner on importing data and manipulating in a Watson Studio project, activate instances of installed services, and authenticate API connections by using Jupyter Notebooks. The exercises also introduce how to configure Watson Speech to Text and create custom language models, work with Watson Discovery, and introduce enrichments. Also, every exercise demonstrates suitable data manipulation that results in saved structured data.


The three hands-on exercises are included in this course, each focusing on a Jupyter Notebook and correspond to the three modules of the course. The necessary data, notebooks, and services are all available in the corresponding lab environment.


  • 23.08.2024
  • online
  • 1.178,10 €
3 weitere Termine

Excel Experten: Power BI Desktop

  • 12.09.2024- 13.09.2024
  • Unterhaching
  • 1.892,10 €
3 weitere Termine

Ein professioneller und positiver Umgang mit Kolleg:innen, Vorgesetzten und Kund:innen ist Voraussetzung, um die immer anspruchsvolleren Herausforderungen zu erfüllen. Zur Erreichung Ihrer Ziele werden Sie immer mehr zum:zur Beziehungsmanager:in Ihrer Geschäftsbeziehungen. Besonders mit konfliktreichen, spannungsgeladenen Situationen souverän umzugehen, fordert unsere soziale Kompetenz. Erfahren Sie in diesem Kommunikationstraining, wie Sie mit den eigenen Emotionen und Erwartungen und denen anderer Beteiligter souverän umgehen sowie Gespräche zielführend und wertschätzend gestalten.

  • 07.11.2024
  • München
  • 1.642,20 €

- Essentials of antibody patenting in Europe, America and Asia
- The EPO practice and the case-law of the Boards of Appeal in the field of antibody inventions, with remarks to differing national practice
- The industry perspective on protecting antibody inventions
- Litigation of antibody patents in Europe, America and Asia
- Antibody Patenting FORUM

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


Learn how to successfully install and successfully maintain an Information Management System (IMS) system, with insights on common problems, how to avoid them and how to correct them should they occur. In the hands-on lab, select an IBM-supported Version of IMS to actually install, then install that IMS and run the IMS Installation Verification Program (IVP) process in the environment of your choice:

  • Database Control (DBCTL)
  • Database Coordinator Controller (DCCTL)
  • Database/Data Communications (DB/DC)
  • DB/DC with Extended Recovery Facility (XRF)
1 ... 5 6 7 ... 21

Auf der Suche nach Online-Seminaren?

Bei erkennen Sie auf den ersten Blick die Online-Kurse der Seminaranbieter. So können Sie sich in Zeiten der Digitalisierung und Krisen schnell und kostengünstig vom Home-Office oder vom Arbeitsplatz aus weiterbilden.

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