
LFS303 Linux für Cloud Technicians

Seminar - PROKODA GmbH

LFS303 Linux für Cloud Technicians
Termin Ort Preis*
28.10.2024- 31.10.2024 Nürnberg 2.374,05 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Agenda Introduction

  • Linux Foundation
  • Laboratory Exercises, Solutions and Resources
  • Things Change in Linux and Open Source Projects
  • Distribution Details

System Configuration from the Graphical Interface

  • GUI or Command Line?
  • System Settings
  • Display Settings
  • Network Manager
  • NTP (Network Time Protocol)
  • Graphical Software Package Management
  • Console
  • X Window System and Desktop Manager

Boot Process and System Initialization

  • Bootloader
  • Linux Kernel and initramfs
  • init and Services
  • systemd
  • systemctl

Command-line Operations

  • Command Line Operations and Options
  • Logging In and Out, Rebooting and Shutting Down
  • Setting Time and Date
  • Locating Applications
  • Directories and Paths
  • Wildcards
  • Searching for Files
  • Command Prompt
  • Package Management

User Accounts and Environment

  • User Accounts
  • Groups
  • Group Management
  • Shell Startup Files
  • Management of User Accounts
  • Passwords
  • File Ownership and Permissions
  • SSH
  • Environment Variables
  • Key Shortcuts
  • Command History
  • Command Aliases

Text Operations

  • cat
  • echo
  • sed
  • awk
  • Miscellaneous Text Utilities
  • Sorting, Cutting, Pasting, Joining, Splitting
  • Regular Expressions and grep

File Operations

  • Filesystems
  • Partitions and Mount Points
  • Network File System (NFS)
  • rsync
  • Working with Files
  • Comparing Files
  • File Types
  • Compressing Data

Bash Shell Scripting

  • Scripts
  • Features
  • Functions
  • Command Substitutions and Arithmetic
  • If Conditions and Tests
  • Looping Structures
  • Case Structure
  • Debugging
  • Creating Temporary Files and Directories


  • Addressing
  • Networking Interfaces and Configuration
  • Networking Utilities and Tools

Working With Linux Filesystems

  • Filesystem Basics
  • Virtual Filesystem (VFS)
  • Hard and Soft Links
  • Available Filesystems
  • Creating and formatting filesystems
  • Checking and Repairing Filesystems
  • Filesystem Usage
  • Disk Usage
  • Mounting filesystems
  • NFS
  • Mounting at Boot and /etc/fstab

Virtualization Overview

  • Introduction to Virtualization
  • Hosts and Guests
  • Emulation
  • Hypervisors
  • libvirt
  • QEMU
  • KVM

Containers Overview

  • Containers
  • Application Virtualization
  • Containers vs Virtual Machines
  • Docker
  • Docker Commands
  • Podman

Basic Troubleshooting

  • Troubleshooting Levels
  • Troubleshooting Techniques
  • Networking
  • File Integrity
  • Boot Process Failures
  • Filesystem Corruption and Recovery
  • Virtual Consoles

Introduction to GIT

  • Revision Control
  • Know Where the Code is Coming From: DCO and CLA
  • Available Revision Control Systems
  • Graphical Interfaces
  • Documentation

Using Git: an Example

  • Basic Commands
  • A Simple Example
  • Signing Off on Commits
  • master vs main

DevOps and GitOps

  • Introduction
  • Cultural Philosophies and Methodologies
  • Early Software Development Management Practice
  • Modern Software Development
  • DevOps Methodologies
  • DevOps tools


Für eine optimale Teilnahme am Kurs empfehlen wir folgende Vorkenntnisse:

  • Grundkenntnisse in Linux


  • Personen, die ihre Kenntnisse der Linux-Systemkonfiguration, -Administration und -Befehlszeilenumgebung erweitern möchten
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