
Live-Online: Lateral Leadership: Leading without managerial authority: Effective leadership with competence and persuasive power

Webinar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Leading without managerial authority is a major challenge, since the possibilities of a disciplinary leader are not available. The only way to be effective is by your own natural authority, active relationship management, your clarity and your capacity to convince others in your organisation. Learn about the characteristics and possibilities of your leading role. Experience how to motivate others, to deal with resistance constructively and to enhance cooperation by using effective leadership techniques. Gain recognition and respect through openness, convincing authority and an authentic style of leadership.
Termin Ort Preis*
05.06.2025- 06.06.2025 online 1.832,60 €
04.12.2025- 05.12.2025 online 1.832,60 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Managing without managerial authority

  • Assuming and defining your management role within the organisation
  • Accepting responsibility and being accountable
  • Securing acceptance and recognition in your role
  • Security regarding your new role – in the office and from homeoffice
  • Managing with the necessary characteristics and methods

Setting the tone and avoiding the wrong tone

  • Appropriate behaviour for your position
  • Creating professional boundaries vs. being a colleague
  • Principles of contemporary management
  • Showing appreciation for e.g. colleagues, department and, entities etc.
  • Appreciative treatment of employees and teams

Effective instruments of lateral leadership

  • Demanding and fostering top perfomance
  • Situational management: using talent, ability and potential
  • Result-oriented delegation of tasks, duties and responsibilities
  • Constructive and motivational communication – live and remote
  • Dealing confidently with resistance

Obstacles and stumbling blocks

  • Asserting yourself in difficult situations
  • Avoiding typical mistakes
  • Drawing up dos and don’ts
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days

This training teaches you how to lead successfully without having disciplinary authority.

You learn to reflect your leadership competence and receive many useful practical recommendations which help you to lead with special competence and natural authority.

You will be able to deal with your range of influence.

You become aware of your leading role and to reflect your image of yourself and of others.

You will learn how to deal with and experience feedback in connection with your leadership behavior and style of communication.

You start to improve your ability to influence things getting done.

You become more self-confident in your behavior and in the execution of your leadership function.


This seminar is for those, who are new in their role as a leader, want to prepare themselves for such a role or improve their performance in order to lead without managerial authority.

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