
Live-Online: Project Management: The Basics: Master the fundamentals and most important methods

Webinar - Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Project-based work is becoming increasingly important. In this seminar, you will gain a practice-oriented introduction to the most important methods and tools in project management. You will learn how to professionally initiate, plan and monitor projects, as well as how you can motivate your team from the very beginning within the triangle of time, cost and quality. You will obtain valuable skills that will enable you, together with your team, to successfully tackle even complex tasks.
Termin Ort Preis*
08.07.2025- 09.07.2025 online 1.773,10 €
22.01.2026- 23.01.2026 online 1.773,10 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


The fundamentals of project management

  • What is a project? What is project management?
  • What are the processes and group processes within project management?
  • How are roles defined within a project and how is a suitable organisational structure chosen?

Successfully initiating projects

  • Defining project goals.
  • Determining the content and scope.
  • Analysing the expectations of stakeholders.
  • Securing a project charter.

Planning projects

  • Describing content and scope.
  • Planning a project’s structure, establishing a project’s implementation and scheduling.
  • Planning resources and costs.
  • Defining and assuring quality.
  • Planning how to manage risks.

Executing, monitoring and controlling

  • Project kick-off.
  • Developing and leading the project team.
  • Managing changes to the project plan.
  • Monitoring and controlling risks.
  • Reporting project achievements.
  • Ensuring communication with stakeholders.

Project closure and evaluation

  • Documenting and passing along experiences and lessons learned in the project.
  • Conducting a formal project closure.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
2 days

In a practice-oriented setting, you will learn the most vital tools for efficient project management. By working with real projects selected by the course participants, all phases of project management will be practised by the group, and you will learn to:

  • professionally initiate, plan and execute projects,
  • selectively implement project management methods, tools and techniques to suit the complexity of your projects and
  • master the balance between cost, time and quality, and successfully finish your project.

After attending this seminar, you will receive confirmation that you have completed 13,00 PDUs.


Project leaders, members of project teams, employees from companies, organisations and public administrations who have responsibilities within a project or will take over such responsibilities in the future.

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