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Auf Seminarmarkt.de finden Sie aktuell 2.602 Schulungen (mit 11.041 Terminen) zum Thema Tai Chi mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:
Data Mining mit Python (Online)
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Der dreitägige Python Kurs Data Mining mit Python führt in die Grundlagen und die Verwendung von Python im Data Mining ein. Die Python Schulung Data Mining mit Python vermittelt nicht nur das theoretische Verständnis, sondern auch die praktische Anwendung für wichtige der im Data Mining eingesetzten Verfahren. Sie lernen grundlegende Schritte mit Python im Bereich Data Science, um selbständig erste Data Mining Analysen durchzuführen.
Ein Schwerpunkt des Python Kurses ist das für Data Science entwickelte Python Paket pandas. Die mit diesem Paket erzeugten data frames entsprechen den in der statistischen Programmiersprache R üblichen data.frames und ermöglichen einen wesentlich höheren Datendurchsatz. Für die Visualisierung der Ergebnisse wird das Paket matplotlib eingesetzt.
Sie werden auch erfahren, wie weitergehende Algorithmen und Methoden in Python zu finden sind, um das Wissen nach dem Seminar fortlaufend erweitern zu können. Sie erhalten einen Überblick über verwendete Algorithmen aus dem Machine Learning, welche in Python umgesetzt werden. Sie arbeiten überwiegend selbständig mit Unterstützung des Trainers, um das Erlernte in den Übungen direkt umzusetzen und anzuwenden.
Feedbacks unserer Teilnehmer: https://www.provenexpert.com/dhl-data-science-seminare-gmbh/
IBM CM241G - IMS Logical Relationships
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Learn how to successfully implement and tune Information Management System (IMS) databases with IMS logical relationships. Examine in detail the various pointer options. Practice these skills in intensive machine-lab exercises.
Auftragsklärung, Regieplan und Seminarunterlagen - Train the Trainer III
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MyStory: How to succeed as a new manager
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In this seminar you will learn how to successfully take over the leadership and organization of a team as a new manager. You will learn how to adapt teams by aligning the structure and organization with higher-level goals and how to use existing conditions.
As a new leader, you will learn how to correctly integrate individual team members and their expertise, and how to recognize and promote employees' abilities.
The course offers the opportunity to recognize your own personality traits and to classify them in the context of a new team.
Our learning platform LearningHub @Cegos is part of this seminar. In addition to the digital seminar documents, the training is enriched with further learning formats and media. In order to achieve a sustainable transfer of knowledge into everyday work, the seminar is implemented according to our 4REAL approach model.
IBM AN15G - Power Systems for AIX III: Advanced Administration and Problem Determination
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This course provides advanced AIX system administrator skills with a focus on availability and problem determination. It provides detailed knowledge of the ODM database where AIX maintains so much configuration information. It shows how to monitor for and deal with AIX problems. There is special focus on dealing with Logical Volume Manager problems, including procedures for replacing disks. Several techniques for minimizing the system maintenance window are covered. While the course includes some AIX 7.2 enhancements, most of the material is applicable to prior releases of AIX.
Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz: Meldekanal betreiben (Fachkunde-Seminar)
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- online
- 1.059,10 €
Sind oder werden Sie durch das Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz dafür zuständig sein, gemeldete Hinweise entgegen zu nehmen und/oder zu bearbeiten? In diesem praxisnahen Seminar erlernen Sie wissenschaftlich fundiert, wie Sie vom Eingang des Hinweises bis zum Abschluss Ihrer Ermittlungen optimal, effizient und professionell vorgehen. Dabei werden die für Sie als interne Meldestelle wichtigen Kernaspekte des Hinweisgeberschutzgesetzes (HinSchG) beleuchtet und die notwendige Fachkunde gem. § 15 Abs. 2 HinSchG vermittelt.
IBM TN406G - Administering and Configuring IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps v4
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IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps deploys advanced, explainable AI across the IT Operations (IT Ops) toolchain so that you can confidently assess, diagnose, and resolve incidents across mission-critical workloads. IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps brings the depth and breadth of IBM’s enterprise expertise to managing complex, mission-critical IT environments. It helps you apply AI to IT operations to maximize efficiency, reduce costs, and maintain the resiliency and security you need to drive meaningful innovation.
This course is designed to teach you how to perform important post-installation administration and configuration tasks for the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps v4.3 platform, such as user management, troubleshooting, importing topology, enriching event data, configuring self-monitoring, and making runbooks to expedite or automate solutions to IT problems.
IBM WM213G - IBM MQ V9 Advanced System Administration (Distributed)
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This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course IBM MQ V9 Advanced System Administration (Distributed) (ZM213G). This option does not require any travel.
This course expands the basic skill sets that are developed in courses WM103/ZM103, Technical Introduction to IBM MQ, and WM153/ZM153, IBM MQ V9 System Administration (using Windows for labs) or WM154, IBM MQ V9 System Administration (using Linux for labs).
The course focuses on advanced features of IBM MQ, such as implementing workload management by using a queue manager cluster, and authenticating connections, channels, and users. It also covers securing channels with Transport Layer Security (TLS), advanced client connection features, event and message monitoring, and publish/subscribe administration.
In addition to the instructor-led lectures, you participate in hands-on lab exercises that reinforce lecture content. The lab exercises give you practical experience with tasks such as implementing security, configuring workload management for a queue manager cluster, and advanced troubleshooting techniques.
Completing this course can also help you prepare for the appropriate IBM MQ Administrator certifications.
Kollegiale Beratung firmenintern
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Kollegiale Beratung. Intensives Praxistraining kollegiale Beratung
Klarer Fokus auf die Beratungspraxis und eine professionelle unvoreingenommene kollegiale Beratung. Ein weiteres Plus des Workshops: Der konzentrierte Blick auf das Gegenüber, die richtige Dosis Psychologie und 100% Praxis.
Das Plus für Sie:
- klare Orientierung am Menschen, Psychologie plus Praxis
- kleine Gruppe, mehr Raum für Sie!
- 100% Praxis Feedback für Sie und Ihren spezifischen Kontext
- definitiv keine Schema-F Ansätze
- Impulse Beratungswerkzeuge für Ihren Kontext
Mehr Details unter: https://mto-consulting.de/kollegiale-Beratung.html
IBM ES40G - z/OS System Programmer Fundamentals
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This course is designed to describe the basic components that apply to all z/OS systems. It includes high level concepts that apply to the z/OS hardware platform and the z/OS software. It then provides a more detailed analysis, description and lab activities that can be applied to the system programmer role to maintain z/OS systems.
Discussion activities include: The POR, IPL process, JES implementation and operating environment, VTAM environment for TSO, ISPF, SNA and TCP/IP networking, RACF, ISPF/PDF and UNIX System Services. It defines the classic approach to data management in a z/OS system. It identifies various software products and utilities used to define, maintain, and manage catalogs and data sets in the z/OS environment. It also discusses Parmlib usage and requirements for system initialization and operation that include: System symbolics, WLM, SFM, RMF and system logger. Both single system and multi-system sysplex usage is identified. z/OS install, upgrade options, maintenance using SMP/E and I/O configuration requirements using HCD is listed and described.