
The UPC Case Management System for European Patent Litigators

Webinar - FORUM Institut für Management GmbH

- Accessing the system and managing the user account
- Opt-out
- Types of procedures and how they relate in the CMS
- Infringement and revocation actions with walk-throughs
- Practical sessions on infringement action, provisional measures and more
- Legal team functionality, change/removal of a representative
Termin Ort Preis*
27.11.2024- 28.11.2024 online 2.201,50 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar

The Case Management System (CMS) serves as the core collaboration platform for performing the judicial tasks of the UPC. It is the official channel to access the Court and to perform activities with legal validity. The CMS provides the technical environment for direct and effective interactions for the UPC staff as well as between the UPC internal and external users. This online course will enable attendees to master the intricacies of the UPC CMS, including newly released functionalities of the CMS, through walk-throughs and practical sessions. Attendees will get firsthand insights from our experts who all work for the company behind the UPC CMS.
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