Windows Server Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe
Lernformate der Windows Server SchulungenPräsenzunterricht // Onlinekurs bzw. Fernkurs // Kombination Präsenz & Online
Auf finden Sie aktuell 951 Schulungen (mit 5.841 Terminen) zum Thema Windows Server mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:
- 13.01.2025- 15.01.2025
- Frankfurt am Main
- 2.130,10 €
Eine stabile Build-Umgebung ist essenziell, um in den einzelnen Phasen eines Softwareentwicklungsprojektes den Überblick über den Entwicklungsstand zu behalten. In diesem Seminar lernen Sie, wie Sie interne und externe Abhängigkeiten verwalten und kontinuierlich den Status Ihres Projektes überwachen können. Nach diesem Seminar kennen Sie praxisbewährte Verfahren und Werkzeuge, um eine Build-Umgebung für Java-Projekte planen, erstellen und pflegen zu können.
Dieses Seminar ist Teil dieses Qualifizierungsplaners:
IBM WM646G - IBM Integration Bus V10 System Administration
- firmenintern
- Ort auf Anfrage
- auf Anfrage
This course gives administrators training on IBM Integration Bus system administration. It is also relevant for IBM Integration Bus developers who also work in an administrative capacity. In this course, you learn how to administer IBM Integration Bus on distributed operating systems, such as Windows and UNIX, by using the IBM Integration Bus administrative interfaces. These interfaces include the IBM Integration web user interface and the IBM Integration Bus commands. The course begins with an overview of IBM Integration Bus. Subsequent topics include initial product installation and maintenance, environment configuration, and basic administrative tasks such as backing up and recovering the environment. You learn about product requirements, securing access to IBM Integration Bus resources and message flows, problem determination and resolution, and performance monitoring and tuning. You also learn techniques for extending the capabilities of IBM Integration Bus. The course also covers the publish/subscribe model and reviews the Java Message Service (JMS) transport protocol and web services. In the course lab exercises, you gain hands-on experience with IBM Integration Bus administrative tasks such as managing IBM Integration Bus runtime components, monitoring message flow applications, and configuring security.
- 16.12.2024- 18.12.2024
- online
- 1.773,10 €
- 16.12.2024- 18.12.2024
- Düsseldorf
- 1.773,10 €
NetApp - Configuring and Monitoring NetApp E-Series and EF-Series Storage Systems (CMESERIES)
- 27.01.2025- 30.01.2025
- online
- 4.284,00 €
Kurssprache ist Deutsch, die Unterlagen sind in englischer Sprache (teilweise in digitaler Form).
In this course, you learn how to recommend configurations based on a pre-deployment assessment for a new NetApp E-Series or EF-Series storage system. In the deployment phase, you use both the NetApp SANtricity® storage management (v11.30) and system management software to create the configuration, perform administrative tasks and employ data protection features. During post-deployment, you use SANtricity system management software to collect storage system information for trend analysis, troubleshooting, performance monitoring and tuning.
Hinweis: Dieses Seminar führen wir in Kooperation mit der Fast Lane GmbH durch.
NetApp - Configuring and Monitoring NetApp E-Series and EF-Series Storage Systems (CMESERIES)
- 17.03.2025- 20.03.2025
- Hamburg
- 4.284,00 €
Kurssprache ist Deutsch, die Unterlagen sind in englischer Sprache (teilweise in digitaler Form).
In this course, you learn how to recommend configurations based on a pre-deployment assessment for a new NetApp E-Series or EF-Series storage system. In the deployment phase, you use both the NetApp SANtricity® storage management (v11.30) and system management software to create the configuration, perform administrative tasks and employ data protection features. During post-deployment, you use SANtricity system management software to collect storage system information for trend analysis, troubleshooting, performance monitoring and tuning.
Hinweis: Dieses Seminar führen wir in Kooperation mit der Fast Lane GmbH durch.
Lexware Financial Office Pro/Premium - Lohn + Gehalt Grundkurs
- 28.11.2024- 29.11.2024
- online
- 1.297,10 €
1.167,39 €
Sie lernen systematisch die wichtigsten Funktionen und Auswertungsmöglichkeiten des Programms kennen und vollziehen anhand von Musterbeispielen die einzelnen Schritte selbständig am PC nach. Das Seminar ist konzipiert für Einsteiger, die bislang wenig Erfahrung in der Anwendung von Lexware lohn + gehalt gesammelt haben.
Theoretisches Wissen im Bereich Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung, wie es im Kurs Lohn + Gehalt Grundkurs (ohne Einsatz spezieller Software) vermittelt wird, ist erforderlich.
Hinweis: Nicht behandelt werden: Öffentlicher Dienst / BAT / Baulohnabrechnung
AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator
- 03.12.2024- 06.12.2024
- online
- 2.606,10 €
IBM SNV1G - SAN Volume Controller (SVC) Planning and Implementation Workshop
- firmenintern
- Ort auf Anfrage
- auf Anfrage
Plan and implement IBM SAN Volume Controller in your data center!
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Distinguish the concepts of IBM Spectrum virtualization
- Recall the history for IBM SAN Volume Controller
- Classify the characteristics and components of the IBM SAN Volume Controller system and SAS attached expansion enclosures
- Outline setups required to integrate an SVC system solution
- Summarize the SVC systems’ ability to scale for capacity and performance
- Summarize the virtualization process converting physical storage space into virtual resources
- Recall the process to create host access storage on an SVC system
- Differentiate the advanced software features designed to simplify data management, reclaim storage space, and preserve storage investments
- Differentiate methods in which to migrate data to and from the virtualized system environment
- Summarize the methods of remote data replications to improve availability and support for disaster recovery
- Employ administrative operations to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot the system environment
- Summarize the characteristics of IBM Storage Insights’ ability to identify, troubleshoot and minimize potential system downtime
- Summarize 3-Site Replication and Safeguarded Copy