
CompTIA Penetration Testing (PENTEST+)

Seminar - PROKODA GmbH

CompTIA Penetration Testing (PENTEST+)
Termin Ort Preis*
10.02.2025- 14.02.2025 Berlin 2.963,10 €
17.02.2025- 21.02.2025 online 2.963,10 €
*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar

Planning and Scoping\n\n\n- Explain the importance of planning for an engagement\n- Explain key legal concepts.\n- Explain the importance of scoping an engagement properly.\n- Explain the key aspects of compliance-based assessments.\nInformation Gathering and Vulnerability Identification\n\n\n- Given a scenario, conduct information gathering using appropriate techniques\n- Given a scenario, perform a vulnerability scan.\n- Given a scenario, analyse vulnerability scan results\n- Explain the process of leveraging information to prepare for exploitation.\n- Explain weaknesses related to specialised systems\nAttacks and Exploits\n\n\n- Compare and contrast social engineering attacks\n- Given a scenario, exploit network-based vulnerabilities\n- Given a scenario, exploit wireless and RF-based vulnerabilities\n- Given a scenario, exploit application-based vulnerabilities\n- Given a scenario, exploit local host vulnerabilities\n- Summarise physical security attacks related to facilities\n- Given a scenario, perform post-exploitation techniques\nPenetration Testing Tools\n\n\n- Given a scenario, use Nmap to conduct information gathering exercises\n- Compare and contrast various use cases of tools\n- Given a scenario, analyse tool output or data related to a penetration test\n- Given a scenario, analyse a basic script (limited to Bash, Python, Ruby, and PowerShell)\nReporting and Communication\n\n\n- Given a scenario, use report writing and handling best practices\n- Explain post-report delivery activities\n- Given a scenario, recommend mitigation strategies for discovered vulnerabilities\n- Explain the importance of communication during the penetration testing process
Vor der Teilnahme am Kurs sollten Sie über folgende Vorkenntnisse verfügen:\n\n\n- Network+, Security+ oder äquivalente Kenntnisse\n- Mindestens 2-3 Jahre Praxiserfahrungen in der Informationssicherheit oder verwandten Bereichen
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