
IBM CV042G - Db2 12 for zOS: Basics for DBA Beginners

Webinar - Cegos Integrata GmbH


Db2 12 for z/OS DBAs can develop fundamental skills or recognition through lectures and hands-on exercises of:


  • TSO/E and ISPF
  • Data sets
  • Db2 Objects
  • Structured Query Language
  • Db2 Commands
  • JCL and SDSF
  • Db2 Utilities
  • Db2 Logging
  • Db2 Program Preparation

The course materials cover Db2 12 for z/OS.

Termin Ort Preis*
12.08.2024- 16.08.2024 online 4.760,00 €
12.08.2024- 16.08.2024 Leinfelden-Echterdingen 4.760,00 €
07.10.2024- 11.10.2024 online 4.760,00 €
07.10.2024- 11.10.2024 Leinfelden-Echterdingen 4.760,00 €
18.11.2024- 22.11.2024 online 4.760,00 €

Alle Termine anzeigen

*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar


Course Outline

Unit 1Introduction

  • The modern Mainframe Environment
  • Defining z/OS
  • What are the benefits of z/OS?
  • Typical z/OS workloads
  • Batch processing
  • Online Transaction Processing
  • Job roles in the Mainframe environment
  • z/OS Components and Services
  • UNIX System Services
  • The Parallel Sysplex Environment
  • z/OS Management Interfaces


Unit 2TSO/E and ISPF

  • Emulators
  • z/VM systems
  • 2.1. TSO/E
  • TSO Logon panel
  • Changing passwords
  • Additional logon panel options
  • The Reconnect option
  • TSO READY prompt
  • TSO HELP command
  • LISTALC command
  • PROFILE command
  • Changing PROFILE
  • LOGOFF command
  • Scripting support
  • 2.2. ISPF
  • What is ISPF
  • ISPF command
  • ISPF Primary Option Menu
  • Primary Option Menu Areas
  • Action Bar
  • Options option
  • ISPF Settings
  • Global Color Change Utility
  • Function Keys
  • Option or Command Prompt
  • Keylist Utility
  • F3 Exit
  • F1 Help
  • F2 Split
  • ISPF Navigation Techniques
  • More ISPF commands
  • Option listing
  • ISPF Command Shell
  • TSO Command Prefix


Unit 3Data Sets

  • Data sets
  • Types of data sets
  • DASD versus Tape
  • Volumes
  • Storage allocation
  • Data set naming conventions
  • Catalogs
  • Storage Management
  • Checkpoint
  • 3.2. Sequential Data Sets
  • Creating data sets
  • Utility Selection Panel
  • Data Set Utility Panel
  • Creating a data set
  • Allocate New Data Set
  • Creating a sequential data set
  • Editing a sequential data set
  • ISPF Editor
  • ISPF Editor primary commands
  • ISPF Editor line commands
  • Data Set List Utility
  • Data set name wild cards
  • Data Set List Utility
  • DSLIST results
  • Select Action
  • HELP on Line Commands
  • DSLIST by volume
  • 3.3. Partitioned Data Sets
  • Partitioned data sets
  • Creating a PDS
  • PDS members
  • Creating a PDS member Library Utility Panel
  • DSLIST Utility
  • PDS Member List
  • Member Actions
  • 3.4. VSAM Data Sets
  • VSAM data sets
  • VSAM data set components
  • Creating a VSAM data set


Unit 4JCL and SDSF

  • 4.1. JCL
  • Batch Jobs versus Online Transactions
  • Batch job activities
  • Creating the batch job
  • JCL: Job Control Language
  • Statement format
  • JOB statement
  • EXEC statement
  • DD statement
  • Instream Input Data Set
  • Instream Output Data Set
  • Sample Jobstream 1
  • Sample Jobstream 2
  • Submitting the job
  • Notification
  • 4.2. SDSF
  • SDSF
  • SDSF Primary Option Menu
  • Output and Held queues
  • PREFIX command
  • Working with queue query
  • Select command
  • ? command
  • Canceling or Purging output
  • Sample jobstream 1 revisited
  • Sample jobstream 2 revisited


Unit 5Db2 Relational Database Concepts

  • Relational Database Systems
  • Db2 for z/OS and Db2 family
  • The Db2 Optimizer
  • Benefits of Db2 for z/OS
  • Database
  • Tables
  • Indexes
  • Primary Key
  • Relationships
  • Referential Integrity
  • Integrity Rules
  • Data domains
  • Table scan access
  • Index access
  • Interacting with Db2
  • Transactions


UNIT 6 Structured Query Language (SQL) and SPUFI

Structured Query Language (SQL)

SQL categories

SELECT statement


FROM clause

Simple SELECT statement

SUBSTR function

SELECT with SUBSTR function

WHERE clause

SELECT with WHERE clause

IN operator

WHERE with IN operator

BETWEEN operator

WHERE with BETWEEN operator

LIKE operator

WHERE with LIKE operator

ORDER BY clause

The NULL value


Putting it all together

Joining tables

Correlation Nam...

Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
5 Tage
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises


This beginning DB2 basic course is for z/OS database administrators who need to acquire the basic skills required to administer a DB2 database in a z/OS environment.

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