
Live-Online: Change Management 4.0 – Overcoming Obstacles with Joy!

Seminar - CMW

Do you feel challenged by current changes, obstacles and new projects? Do you feel the need to step out of your comfort zone to manage them? This live online Challenger Mindset seminar for employees and leaders will help you overcome hurdles and resistance!

As an ICF-certified coach, trainer Michael Wigge is happy to support you and draws from his background of various adventure challenges he had faced in the media over the years and had left his comfort zone over and over again. The Grimme Award nominated challenge "How to Travel the World for Free/Ohne Geld bis ans Ende der Welt" (ZDFneo, Tonight Show USA) for example is presented as an inspiring background during the workshop.
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Detaillierte Informationen zum Seminar

Do you literally want to seek change with a "Challenger Mindset" instead of perceiving it as a hurdle? Would you like to improve results in times of change without shying away from challenges? Or would you like to work on how to proactively approach your goals with strength and confidence?
Our CMW Challenger Mindset online seminar offers:

• Challenge-4-Change strategies for facing fears and resistance
• Stress reduction for employees in change processes
• 7-steps of the emotional change curve
• In-house booking available
• Strength strategies for successful change management
• Mindset 4.0 to leave the comfort zone with self-awareness
• Becoming your best self-manager in times of change
• Practical reference for leaving the comfort zone and tools to do so
• Adventure keynote by Michael on the topic of ‘Challenge and Change’
• Agreeing on practical goals with the trainer
• MS Teams Implementation of the online seminar

This Challenger Mindset training is a very practical and solution-oriented approach to mastering challenges and achieving individual change goals. We can help employees learn to go beyond their comfort zone and overcome fear of obstacles. Michael provides support, inspiration and a strategic approach to help them identify and work towards change management and development goals.

All participants define their own personal goals during the workshop, which they try to implement after the workshop, actively going through a change process. Michael is available as a trainer via email communication after the workshop to communicate with you about hurdles and results.
Dauer/zeitlicher Ablauf:
13-17 Uhr 4 Stunden bzw. 8 Stunden
Embracing change with jov;
Strengthening resilience;Raising Motivation;Improving self-management
Technische Voraussetzungen:
MS Teams
7 Phasen der Veränderung; 6 Bedürfnisse im Change; Achtsamkeitsübungen; Zeitmanagement 4.0; Resilienz 360 Grad; 3 Zonen Modell; Glaubenssatzarbeit
Handouts nach Seminar
Miarbeiter*innen, Führungskräfte, Azubis
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