
Requirements Management Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe

Lernformate der Requirements Management Schulungen
Präsenzunterricht // Onlinekurs bzw. Fernkurs // Kombination Präsenz & Online

Auf finden Sie aktuell 458 Schulungen (mit 1.529 Terminen) zum Thema Requirements Management mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:

  • 23.09.2024- 27.09.2024
  • München
  • 4.760,00 €
5 weitere Termine


IBM Spectrum Protect is an enterprise data protection solution designed to help you streamline your data protection processing, reduce the cost of storage, and provide the flexibility and security to meet any service level agreement. IBM Spectrum Protect optimizes storage utilization by using incremental forever as well as block-level backup and replication, policy-based data management, and an intuitive interface, the Operations Center.


In this course, you learn how the use of two or more Spectrum Protect servers provides more options for data movement in the environment, like replication to multiple targets. You also use IBM Cloud Object Storage to create a storage pool for backups and long-term retention. The bulk of the administrative tasks are performed using the Operations Center and Command Builder which provides a command line interface for all servers configured in the Operations Center. This course also includes scripting, performance tuning, protecting, and recovering the database and storage pools, and an introduction to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.


The hands-on exercises are performed on three different IBM Spectrum Protect servers, two on Windows, and one on Linux, with additional systems added to provide the IBM Cloud Object Storage environment.


This course is the second in a two-course series. It is for Spectrum Protect administrators who are familiar with the daily management task...

  • firmenintern
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IBM Spectrum Protect is an enterprise data protection solution designed to help you streamline your data protection processing, reduce the cost of storage, and provide the flexibility and security to meet any service level agreement. IBM Spectrum Protect optimizes storage utilization by using incremental forever as well as block-level backup and replication, policy-based data management, and an intuitive interface, the Operations Center.


In this course, you learn how the use of two or more Spectrum Protect servers provides more options for data movement in the environment, like replication to multiple targets. You also use IBM Cloud Object Storage to create a storage pool for backups and long-term retention. The bulk of the administrative tasks are performed using the Operations Center and Command Builder which provides a command line interface for all servers configured in the Operations Center. This course also includes scripting, performance tuning, protecting, and recovering the database and storage pools, and an introduction to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.


The hands-on exercises are performed on three different IBM Spectrum Protect servers, two on Windows, and one on Linux, with additional systems added to provide the IBM Cloud Object Storage environment.


This course is the second in a two-course series. It is for Spectrum Protect administrators who are familiar with the daily management task...


  • 04.11.2024- 07.11.2024
  • online
  • 3.808,00 €
1 weiterer Termin


This course will get you the skills you need to efficiently manage an IBM Power private cloud environment. Organizations of all kinds use IBM Power servers to run their mission critical applications. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of private cloud through hands-on curriculum developed by experts at IBM. The material covers a deep-dive of IBM PowerVC, HMC and NovaLink - the kind you will not find anywhere else. With direct access to our live, cloud-based lab environment, learners can quickly and easily apply the concepts they are learning in a real-world setting. Upon completion of this course, you will earn an IBM digital badge that recognizes your skills and knowledge in this area. 

  • firmenintern
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This course will get you the skills you need to efficiently manage an IBM Power private cloud environment. Organizations of all kinds use IBM Power servers to run their mission critical applications. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of private cloud through hands-on curriculum developed by experts at IBM. The material covers a deep-dive of IBM PowerVC, HMC and NovaLink - the kind you will not find anywhere else. With direct access to our live, cloud-based lab environment, learners can quickly and easily apply the concepts they are learning in a real-world setting. Upon completion of this course, you will earn an IBM digital badge that recognizes your skills and knowledge in this area. 


  • 04.09.2024- 05.09.2024
  • online
  • 1.660,05 €
3 weitere Termine

In dieser 2-tägigen Schulung "Design Thinking - Von der Idee zur erfolgreichen Innovation" lernen Sie einen strukturierten Prozess kennen, der die erfolgreiche Erarbeitung und Implementierung neuer Ideen, Prozesse und Geschäftsmodelle in Unternehmen ermöglicht. Design Thinking bietet einen Rahmen für kreative Innovationen und erhöht die Chancen eines erfolgreichen Marktzugangs. Das Seminar ermöglicht es Ihnen, Design Thinking Methoden gründlich zu erlernen und anhand praktischer Beispiele zu vertiefen.

Sie lernen eigene Ideen kreativ zu entwickeln und zu erfolgreichen Innovationen auszubauen. Auch das Leiten von Innovationsteams und Workshops mit Design Thinking wird behandelt. Sie stellen den Kunden in den Mittelpunkt und stärken die Innovationskraft Ihres Unternehmens. Neue Methoden und kreative Tools unterstützen Ihre Arbeit. Nach dem Seminar sind Sie bereit, Design Thinking effektiv einzusetzen und Ihrem Unternehmen Wettbewerbsvorteile durch innovative Ideen zu verschaffen.


  • Beginn jederzeit möglich
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In der digitalen Welt bist Du zuhause? Dann bringt Dich Deine Online-Weiterbildung zum:zur Digital Marketing Transformation Specialist beruflich voran. Mit Deinen erlernten Fähigkeiten bist Du nach der Weiterbildung in der Lage, den digitalen Wandel in Unternehmen mitzugestalten. Und dadurch den angestrebten Wettbewerbsvorteil mit digitalen Technologien zu erzielen.

Du siehst den Wandel als Chance. Und erweiterst Dein Wissen mit der Online-Weiterbildung Digital Marketing Transformation Specialist in einem zukunftssicheren Bereich: der digitalen Welt. Dabei liegt der Fokus Deiner Weiterbildung in der Vermittlung von Kompetenzen im Bereich des digitalen Marketings und E-Commerce. Und deckt ergänzend dazu die spannenden Inhalte der zielgerichteten Managementmaßnahmen im Bereich digitale Transformation, Agiles Arbeiten und Design Thinking ab. So bist Du nach Deiner Weiterbildung in der Lage, digitale Technologien strategisch zu nutzen und zur Planung sowie Umsetzung von Marketingstrategien einzusetzen. Denn während Deiner Online-Weiterbildung hast Du Dich auch mit den gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung befasst, und weißt, wann beziehungsweise wo die digitale Transformation zum Wettbewerbsvorteil wird.


  • 05.08.2024- 09.08.2024
  • online
  • 4.629,10 €
12 weitere Termine

AR-CXF - ArubaOS-CX Switching Fundamentals

  • firmenintern
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Learn how to tune Information Management System (IMS) databases.

Explore the IMS database features that affect performance, such as data set considerations and buffers for Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) and Overflow Sequential Access Method (OSAM). Also, practice a method for estimating performance before implementation. Plus, reinforce the skills you have learned with seven machine labs.

This course is taught in a Web conference medium with live instructor audio, and Internet Web conferenced materials. You have chat type Questions and Answers (Q and A) ability, plus live audio. The course is taught 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Central time for ten work days over a two-week period. Since the class is taught live using Web conferencing methods, you can attend from your home or work. Class durations are approximately one-half day so you can still accommodate daily work responsibilities.

You will be contacted prior to class start to receive connection information, hardcopy materials, and other relevant information.


  • 19.09.2024- 20.09.2024
  • online
  • 1.904,00 €
1 weiterer Termin


This course teaches Professional Report Authors about advanced report building techniques using relational data models, and ways of enhancing, customizing, and managing professional reports. The course builds on topics presented in the Fundamentals course. Attendees will participate in interactive demonstrations and exercises that illustrate key concepts while learning how to use advanced features in the product builds on topics learned in the Fundamentals course.

  • firmenintern
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This course teaches Professional Report Authors about advanced report building techniques using relational data models, and ways of enhancing, customizing, and managing professional reports. The course builds on topics presented in the Fundamentals course. Attendees will participate in interactive demonstrations and exercises that illustrate key concepts while learning how to use advanced features in the product builds on topics learned in the Fundamentals course.

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Auf der Suche nach Online-Seminaren?

Bei erkennen Sie auf den ersten Blick die Online-Kurse der Seminaranbieter. So können Sie sich in Zeiten der Digitalisierung und Krisen schnell und kostengünstig vom Home-Office oder vom Arbeitsplatz aus weiterbilden.

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