Seminare zum Thema Server
Auf finden Sie aktuell 3.256 Schulungen (mit 19.501 Terminen) zum Thema Server mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:IBM OL20G - Control Language Programming Workshop for IBM i
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Learn to write easy to use and efficient control language (CL) programs which may be used to perform a variety of system and application control functions. You are taught to write basic and intermediate level, interactive, and batch CL programs, user commands, and CL programs that function as user tools (programs that use the output of display commands as input).
You will learn to write Control Language (CL) programs which may be used to perform a variety of system and application control functions. You will be taught to write basic and intermediate level interactive and batch CL programs as well as programs that function as user tools (programs that use the output of display commands as input).
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Learn implementation for Information Management System (IMS) using Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) as the external security manager, and the installation provided security exit routines. Apply classroom lectures with security paper lab exercises in which you setup the security definitions.
WHG und AwSV aktuell!: Online-Seminar
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Nach der Teilnahme an diesem Seminar ist Ihnen der Umgang mit den Grundfunktionen von Access 2016 / 2013 vertraut. Sie sind in der Lage, selbstständig Datenbanken zu erstellen und Datenbestände zu pflegen. Das Seminar vermittelt darüber hinaus grundlegende Konzepte zur Datenauswertung mit Hilfe von Abfragen, Formularen und Berichten.
IBM AS27G - Advanced System Operator Workshop for IBM i
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This course is designed to enhance the skills of an IBM i System Operator. This course explains the concept of how LPAR works and discusses the functions provided by the HMC. We will discuss the IBM i Access Family of products in general and Access Client Solutions, specifically. We will discuss the different types of security that you can implement in order to control who has access to your data and what they can do with that data if they are allowed to access. We will discuss security control via system values, user and group profiles, authorization lists, and adopted authority. This course will help you develop additional skills in the areas of work management and how to create a basic CL program. In the area of CL programming, we discuss concepts of programming, then how to create a basic CL program using the traditional application development tools PDM and SEU. Then, you will learn how to use the GUI tools in RDP (RSE and LPEX). You will also learn the steps to create a menu using SDA. You will learn some tips that you can use to help improve your IBM i operations. We will also discuss how you can use Management Central as a tool to manage a single system or a network of TCP/IP connected Power Systems with IBM i.
IBM CV880G - Db2 12 for z/OS Advanced Database Administration
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This course introduces the student to advanced database administration skills, including program preparation and the use of packages, online schema changes, partition management, and stored procedures as well as performance and availability features of utilities (including LOAD, REBUILD INDEX, REORG, and UNLOAD). This course does not cover distributed data processing, nor does it cover data sharing.
Architecting on AWS Accelerator
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In diesem Kurs lernen Sie Folgendes:
- Make architectural decisions based on AWS architectural principles and best practices
- Use AWS services to make your infrastructure scalable, reliable, and highly available
- Use AWS Managed Services to enable greater flexibility and resiliency in an infrastructure
- Make an AWS-based infrastructure more efficient to increase performance and reduce costs
- Use the Well Architected Framework to improve architectures with AWS solutions
IBM CM122G - IMS DBCTL Systems Programming
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Database Control (DBCTL) is an Information Management System (IMS) facility that provides CICS access to an IMS database subsystem. DBCTL provides access for CICS transactions to IMS managed databases. Get a detailed description of the activities required to install, tailor, maintain, and support an IMS DBCTL system. Additionally, learn about aspects of the IMS architecture that apply to database management and attaching to CICS systems and transactions.
Digital Marketing Manager - Advanced Zertifikatslehrgang (Vertiefung)
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- 2.261,00 €
Künstliche Intelligenz, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Data Plattform, Digital Analytics und DSGVO-konformes Marketing
Mit den rasanten Entwicklungen im Bereich Big Data und Künstliche Intelligenz verändert sich auch das Marketing grundlegend. Durch neue digitale Technologien und Analyse-Tools ist das Marketing mittlerweile entscheidender Bestandteil der Customer/Buyer Journey und des Datenmanagement in Unternehmen. Das birgt enormes Potenzial für Unternehmen, aber auch entsprechende Herausforderungen.
Mit dem Zertifikatslehrgang Digital Marketing Manager - Advanced vertiefen Teilnehmende Ihre Kenntnisse im digitalen, datengesteuerten Marketing. Schwerpunkt des Lehrgangs sind zum einen die Erhebung, das Management und die Analyse von Marketing-Daten; zum anderen die datenschutzkonforme Umsetzung von digitalen Marketing-Maßnahmen, um rechtliche Fallstricke zu vermeiden. Anhand von Use Cases und Best Practices werden Methoden und vielfältige Tools zum praktischen Einsatz vorgestellt.
Wichtiger Hinweis: Neben diesem Vertiefungslehrgang bieten wir mit "Digital Marketing Manager - Essentials" auch einen Einstiegslehrgang ins datengetriebene Marketing an. Zur Überprüfung Ihres individuellen Kenntnisstands steht Ihnen ein kurzes Quiz zur Verfügung. Die Auswertung erhalten Sie gleich im Anschluss als PDF-Download. Sollten Sie weniger als 3 Antworten richtig haben, empfehlen wir Ihnen vorab die Teilnahme am Einstiegslehrgang.