Sinne Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe
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Auf finden Sie aktuell 1.558 Schulungen (mit 8.174 Terminen) zum Thema Sinne mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:
IBM AS45G - DevOps on IBM i: Learn Ansible
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This course will get you the skills you need to run and manage an IBM i related cloud and DevOps environment. You will be introduced to the world of DevOps, Ansible, IBM PowerVC, Terraform, IBM Cloud Automation Manager and CI/CD concepts as they relate to IBM i. Learning these concepts will be easy with hands-on access to our lab environment.
Completion of this course will get you an IBM badge!
IBM ZL00G - z/VM and Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE Bootcamp
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This course introduces the system programmer to the tasks required to support a z/VM operating system. It gives an overview of the processes that are required to install z/VM, and to do the required tailoring steps to support guest operating system virtual machines and CMS users. The students will leave the course with the knowledge to do the steps for adding guest systems and other virtual machines to the z/VM system, to apply service to the z/VM system, and to define a minimal TCP/IP configuration. Also, this course is designed to teach the implementation of SUSE, RedHat, and Ubuntu distributions of Linux on IBM Z and on LinuxONE.
Inhouse Vertriebstraining - Gezielte Kundenrückgewinnung: Ergreifen Sie Ihre zweite Chance
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IBM WB401G - Managing Decisions in IBM Operational Decision Manager V8.9
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This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Managing Decisions in IBM Operational Decision Manager V8.9 (ZB401G). This option does not require any travel.
This course introduces business analysts to IBM Operational Decision Manager V8.9. You learn the concepts and skills that are necessary to capture, author, validate, and manage business rules with Operational Decision Manager.
IBM Operational Decision Manager provides a complete platform for managing business rules by helping to automate and govern decisions across processes and applications. This course focuses on the iterative nature of working collaboratively with business policy experts and development teams on rule projects. Through instructor-led presentations and hands-on lab exercises, you learn about the core features of Operational Decision Manager. You also receive intensive training in modeling business rule vocabulary, rule discovery, rule authoring, and rule governance and management. The course uses realistic scenarios and a case study to illustrate the principles and good practices for discovering, analyzing, and authoring business rules.
The lab environment for this course uses Windows 2012 Server R2 Standard.
IBM WM687G - IBM App Connect Enterprise 12 Application Development II
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This course provides instruction in using IBM App Connect Enterprise to connect to IBM MQ and reference databases. The first part of this course covers traditional use cases for IBM App Connect Enterprise including using App Connect Enterprise in conjunction with JMS, web services, and IBM MQ. The second half extends topics discussed in prior courses including using the Graphical Data Mapping editor to create a DFDL model and using ESQL in a Compute node. The course also covers referencing a database in a message flow application.
Umgang mit unbewussten Vorurteilen - Unconscious Bias
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Unser Training zum Umgang mit unbewussten Vorurteilen und zur Förderung der Verbundenheit im Team bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, das Bewusstsein für unbewusste Voreingenommenheit zu schärfen und gleichzeitig die Teamdynamik zu stärken.
Unconscious Bias beschreibt kognitive Verzerrungen wie automatische Stereotype und andere fehlerhafte Neigungen bei der Wahrnehmung, Erinnerung und Beurteilung. Diese Biases treten meist unbewusst auf. In einer modernen Arbeitswelt, die von Diversität und Inklusion geprägt ist, sind Unconscious Bias und eine positive Teamkultur entscheidende Faktoren für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens.
Während dieser interaktiven Schulung werden die Teilnehmenden sensibilisiert für die kognitiven Verzerrungen, die unser Denken und Verhalten beeinflussen können. Durch praktische Übungen und Fallbeispiele lernen sie, wie Unconscious Bias unsere Entscheidungsprozesse im Arbeitsalltag beeinflusst und wie wir diese Vorurteile bewusst erkennen und reduzieren können.
Darüber hinaus liegt ein besonderer Fokus auf der Stärkung der Verbundenheit im Team. Gemeinsam entwickeln wir Strategien, um eine Kultur des Vertrauens, der Offenheit und der gegenseitigen Unterstützung zu fördern. Denn eine starke Verbundenheit im Team ermöglicht nicht nur effektivere Zusammenarbeit, sondern steigert auch die Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter.
Unser erfahrenes Schulungsteam besteht aus Experten, die mit interaktiven Methoden und Best ...
IBM H008G - IBM Storage Scale - Remote Data Access
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Enterprises and organizations are creating, analyzing and keeping more data than ever before. An organization’s underlying storage must support new-era big data and artificial intelligence workloads along with traditional applications while ensuring security, reliability and high performance. IBM Spectrum Scale meets these challenges as a high-performance solution for managing data at scale. This new course covers IBM Spectrum Scale features that enable data-anywhere access that spans storage and locations to accelerate applications across the data center or around the world. Attendees should already know the basics of installing, configuring and managing a Spectrum Scale clustered file system and how to use the installer toolkit.
This course is intended for IT professionals tasked with administering a Spectrum Scale storage cluster consisting of Linux nodes. The course includes information on various Spectrum Scale features that enable remote access to the data that is stored in a cluster file system. This includes: multi-cluster support, clustered NFS, cluster export services (CES) and protocol support (NFS, SMB, Object, and block), Active File Management (AFM), and AFM-based Asynchronous Disaster Recovery (AFM DR). The features are described in lecture materials and implemented in lab exercises.
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This two-day intermediate-level course covers the modeling of process flow, sequence flow, tokens, gateways, and intermediate events. Using the core requirements for an HR recruitment process, you determine and create all the necessary assets to support a coach in the Hiring Request Process. You use complex business objects to organize your data, and pass data into and out of a linked process. You implement a service for an activity, and map variables between a nested service and an activity. You also create a toolkit to enable sharing of your assets. The course concludes with conducting a Playback session. You demonstrate the process, following various paths that flow from the exclusive gateways in the process and demonstrate tasks that are assigned.
IBM SS86G - DFSMShsm Implementation
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This course prepares you to implement and manage DFSMShsm (DFSMS hierarchical storage manager). You will learn how to automate the storage management tasks, which optimize DASD space utilization and provide data availability. You will be taught basic DFSMShsm terminology and concepts, and you will examine the functions and interfaces used to tailor DFSMShsm processing to meet your installation' s storage management requirements.
Hands-on lab exercises enable you to perform a step-by-step implementation.
Live-Online-Training: Überzeugende Verhandlungsführung im Verkauf
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