Tai Chi Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe
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Auf Seminarmarkt.de finden Sie aktuell 2.624 Schulungen (mit 11.188 Terminen) zum Thema Tai Chi mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:
Intensivkurs Liquiditätsrisikomanagement in Banken
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• Liquiditätsrisikomanagement: Aktueller Stand und europäische Umsetzung
• Kalibrierung und Mechaniken der LCR und NSFR
• Statische und dynamische LCR-Steuerung
• Wirkung ausgewählter Geschäfte (Kauf/Verkauf von HQLA, besicherte und unbesicherte Aufnahmen/Anlagen)
• Vorschau und Meldung
• Verursachungsgerechte Allokation der LCR-Kosten
• Zusammenspiel LCR, NCR und MREL
• Normative Perspektive mit LCR, NSFR und MREL
• Abgrenzung normative vs. ökonomische Perspektive
Dieses Seminar bieten wir an zwei halben Tagen oder einem kompletten Seminartag an. Ich habe Ihnen die nächsten Termine nachfolgend aufgelistet:
- 07. Mai 2024, 09:00 - ca. 17:00 Uhr, Frankfurt am Main / Webinar
- 11. Oktober 2024, 09:00 - ca. 17:00 Uhr, Frankfurt am Main / Webinar
Für ein erfolgreiches Liquiditätsrisikomanagement muss verstanden werden, wie die LCR und NSFR auf verschiedene Produkte reagieren. In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie daher, wie man diese Kennzahlen effizient steuern und überwachen kann.
Darüber hinaus befassen Sie sich mit Anforderungen an die Meldung, weiteren steuerungsrelevanten Aspekten wie Transferpricing und ILAAP (Säule 2) und mit aktuellen Entwicklungen
Ladungssicherung von CTU - Richtiges Packen von Beförderungseinheiten (Container Transport Units)
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Warenbeförderung mit „Beförderungseinheiten“ (sog. CTU) setzt beim Packen bestimmte Befähigungen voraus. Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, welche für das Packen der CTUs verantwortlich sind, müssen die Befähigung dazu erlangen und durch jährliche Unterweisungen sicherstellen.
International gültige CTU-Codes regeln diese Vorgaben. Unsere Referenten sorgen dafür, dass allen Mitarbeitern entsprechende Grundlagen und Fachwissen vermittelt und praktische Kenntnisse beigebracht werden. In diesem Seminar werden Ihnen zudem die technischen und physikalischen Zusammenhänge erklärt.
IBM WA590G - WebSphere Application Server V9 Administration
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This course teaches you the skills that are needed to administer IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.
This release of IBM WebSphere Application Server provides enhanced support for standards (notably Java 7 EE), emerging technology, and a choice of development frameworks.
In this course, you learn how to configure and maintain IBM WebSphere Application Server V9 in a single-server environment. You learn how to deploy enterprise Java applications in a single computer configuration. In addition, you learn how to work with features of WebSphere Application Server V9, such as the wsadmin scripting interface, security, and performance monitoring.
Hands-on exercises throughout the course give you practical experience with the skills you develop in the lectures.
IBM BE87G - Effective RACF Administration
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This course prepares you to be a more effective security administrator as you gain experience and confidence in using the RACF component of the z/OS Security Server. To reinforce lectures, the course offers hands-on exercises where you use the RACF component of the z/OS Security Server to define users, set up group structures, define general resources, protect z/OS data sets, and use several RACF utilities.
IBM WA610G - Developing Cloud Native Applications with IBM Liberty
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Liberty is a lightweight Java™ runtime that is built by using modular features. It is available as both open source and commercial offerings.
In this course, you learn how to use Liberty, Jakarta EE, and MicroProfile to build a RESTful microservice application. MicroProfile is an open-source specification that defines new standards and APIs to accelerate and simplify the creation of microservices. You also explore other features of Liberty and developing microservices applications.
In the hands-on exercises, you build a microservice application, containerize it, and then deploy it on Kubernetes.
IBM TSP13G - IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.8 Implementation and Administration
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In this four-day course, you learn about installation, configuration and administration of IBM Spectrum Protect Plus v10.1.8. This begins with a review of the software features and functions, and the basic requirements, including architecture and data movement, and upgrade of the various components. Then, through lecture and hands-on labs, you learn how to deploy an environment as a virtual appliance or as a set of containers. You add providers and create customized SLA policies with options. You associate providers with policy to protect data in file systems and virtual machines, a variety of applications and databases, and Kubernetes and OpenShift containers. You configure and manage user access to the system and to the providers you protect. You manage jobs, plan and prepare for disaster recovery, view log files for monitoring and troubleshooting, and create custom reports.
IBM OL23G - IBM i Performance Tuning - I: IBM i Structure, Tailoring and Basic Tuning
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This classroom course of two days explains how to balance the workload on the IBM i system to ensure optimum performance. Specifically, this course explains how to manage workloads, measure system performance, and tune the operating system to meet processing requirements. Hands-on exercises give you the opportunity to use the system functions that are available for controlling workload and tuning system performance. Evaluation criteria presented in this course are based on the latest information available from IBM development labs.
PM Competence III - Krisen-, Risikomanagement und Projektmarketing
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IBM AN15G - Power Systems for AIX III: Advanced Administration and Problem Determination
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This course provides advanced AIX system administrator skills with a focus on availability and problem determination. It provides detailed knowledge of the ODM database where AIX maintains so much configuration information. It shows how to monitor for and deal with AIX problems. There is special focus on dealing with Logical Volume Manager problems, including procedures for replacing disks. Several techniques for minimizing the system maintenance window are covered. While the course includes some AIX 7.2 enhancements, most of the material is applicable to prior releases of AIX.
Kommunikation - Rhetorik und Gesprächskunst im Business
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