
Visual Basic Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe

Lernformate der Visual Basic Schulungen
Präsenzunterricht // Onlinekurs bzw. Fernkurs // Kombination Präsenz & Online

Auf finden Sie aktuell 636 Schulungen (mit 3.300 Terminen) zum Thema Visual Basic mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:

  • 19.08.2024- 23.08.2024
  • Stuttgart
  • 2.963,10 €
11 weitere Termine

Die TeilnehmerInnen erstellen dynamische Webseiten mit der Servlet-Technologie. Java Server Pages (JSP) werden eingesetzt, um eine Trennung von Visualisierung und Applikationscode zu ermöglichen.


  • 26.08.2024- 29.08.2024
  • online
  • 3.808,00 €
2 weitere Termine


This course teaches students how to deploy and administer IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact through practice exercises. This course is designed specifically for anyone who might be technically responsible for the design and implementation of Netcool/Impact, a highly scalable analytics engine that adds event and service enrichment and business impact analysis for event data. You should expect exposure to all fundamental elements of Netcool/Impact with a focus on developing policies within the Netcool/Impact product and exploring the features that enhance the visualization, usability, and integration functions. The visualization enhancements are facilitated by the integration of the IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub, which is part of Jazz™ for Service Management, and Netcool/Impact features such as the UI data provider.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
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This course teaches students how to deploy and administer IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact through practice exercises. This course is designed specifically for anyone who might be technically responsible for the design and implementation of Netcool/Impact, a highly scalable analytics engine that adds event and service enrichment and business impact analysis for event data. You should expect exposure to all fundamental elements of Netcool/Impact with a focus on developing policies within the Netcool/Impact product and exploring the features that enhance the visualization, usability, and integration functions. The visualization enhancements are facilitated by the integration of the IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub, which is part of Jazz™ for Service Management, and Netcool/Impact features such as the UI data provider.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


This course teaches you how to configure a newly built API Connect 10 environment. 


You are taught how to configure a catalog with the gateway, portal, and analytics services and set up the environment for API development. You then define API interfaces according to the OpenAPI specification. You build SOAP and REST based APIs along with a GraphQL API. You assemble message processing policies and define client authorization schemes, such as OAuth 2.0, in the API definition. You verify the proper sequencing of policies in the assembly tester and further test your APIs in the new Test tab and Local Test Environment. After building and testing your APIs, you publish them and make them available on the Developer Portal. You manage all aspects of the provider organization in the API Manager user interface to create, publish, version, and retire API artifacts such as products, plans and APIs themselves. You also learn how to manage consumer organizations who use the APIs that are made available on the Developer Portal. You learn how to add members to the consumer organization that provides access to the APIs on the Developer Portal. You learn how the layout of the Developer Portal can be customized. Finally, you call the APIs on the secure gateway and you view the graphs and metrics of API usage.


  • 26.08.2024- 30.08.2024
  • online
  • 4.760,00 €
4 weitere Termine


This course teaches you how to configure a newly built API Connect 10 environment. 


You are taught how to configure a catalog with the gateway, portal, and analytics services and set up the environment for API development. You then define API interfaces according to the OpenAPI specification. You build SOAP and REST based APIs along with a GraphQL API. You assemble message processing policies and define client authorization schemes, such as OAuth 2.0, in the API definition. You verify the proper sequencing of policies in the assembly tester and further test your APIs in the new Test tab and Local Test Environment. After building and testing your APIs, you publish them and make them available on the Developer Portal. You manage all aspects of the provider organization in the API Manager user interface to create, publish, version, and retire API artifacts such as products, plans and APIs themselves. You also learn how to manage consumer organizations who use the APIs that are made available on the Developer Portal. You learn how to add members to the consumer organization that provides access to the APIs on the Developer Portal. You learn how the layout of the Developer Portal can be customized. Finally, you call the APIs on the secure gateway and you view the graphs and metrics of API usage.

  • 09.12.2024- 11.12.2024
  • Sankt Martin
  • 549,00 €

In der Trainerausbildung “Train the Trainer® für In- und Outdoor” bekommen Sie eine fundierte und praxisnahe Basisqualifikation zur Leitung von verschiedensten Trainings und Seminaren, die sie branchenübergreifend in allen Berufen einsetzen können.

Wissen ist einer der wenigen Ressourcen, die sich vermehrt, wenn man sie teilt. Im Rahmen ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit, haben Sie bereits viele Erfahrungen gemacht und sich Wissen angeeignet. Sie haben ein Gespür dafür entwickelt, wo es bei Beschäftigten Ihrer Branche noch Potential nach oben gibt und welche Kompetenzen benötigt werden, um Probleme zu lösen.

Als Trainer leiten Sie Gruppen professionell und kompetent an. Dafür ist eine fundierte Handlungskompetenz zwingend erforderlich.


  • 26.08.2024- 27.08.2024
  • online
  • 1.904,00 €


This course is designed to teach analysts how to use IBM Planning Analytics to analyze data to discover trends and exceptions, create and customize reports and templates, and contribute data to plans. Through a series of lectures and hands-on activities, you will learn how use Planning Analytics Workspace and Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel to create analyses, enter data, create custom views and dashboards, and build formatted reports and forms.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


This course is designed to teach analysts how to use IBM Planning Analytics to analyze data to discover trends and exceptions, create and customize reports and templates, and contribute data to plans. Through a series of lectures and hands-on activities, you will learn how use Planning Analytics Workspace and Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel to create analyses, enter data, create custom views and dashboards, and build formatted reports and forms.


  • 29.08.2024- 30.08.2024
  • online
  • 1.059,10 €
2 weitere Termine

An Berechnung und Aufbereitung von Unternehmenszahlen werden im Controlling besondere Anforderungen gestellt, die weit über das hinausführen, was in Excel-Seminaren gemeinhin thematisiert wird. Nach diesem Seminar können Sie mit Excel 2016 grundlegende Berechnungen im Controlling-Bereich durchführen, kennen den Aufbau komplexer Formeln und wichtige finanzmathematische Funktionen. Sie sind in der Lage, Ergebnisse zielorientiert zu präsentieren und kennen Möglichkeiten, sich eigene Lösungswege für komplexe Problemstellungen ohne spezielle VBA-Programmierkenntnisse zu erarbeiten.


  • 05.08.2024- 19.01.2025
  • online
  • 5.176,50 €
3 weitere Termine

Being able to process and analyze data automatically and in real time and derive insights from it is one of the key requirements of companies. Building the data pipelines for this is the task of data scientists - a professional field that is currently in particularly high demand and offers great opportunities. This certified online training course enables you to set up data mining processes, apply machine learning algorithms, create predictive models and implement them productively in automated workflows. The course uses the Python programming language with its leading machine learning libraries. This online course is designed so that you can learn flexibly and at your own pace. You can expect videos, interactive graphics, texts and many practical exercises with extensive data sets and coding tasks. Experienced data analysts are on hand as mentors to answer your questions.
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Auf der Suche nach Online-Seminaren?

Bei erkennen Sie auf den ersten Blick die Online-Kurse der Seminaranbieter. So können Sie sich in Zeiten der Digitalisierung und Krisen schnell und kostengünstig vom Home-Office oder vom Arbeitsplatz aus weiterbilden.

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