Seminare zum Thema Coaching
Auf finden Sie aktuell 8.980 Schulungen (mit 40.608 Terminen) zum Thema Coaching mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:Ausbildung 'Systemischer Berater & Coach' zertifiziert, Raum Augsburg / München
- 13.03.2025- 07.03.2026
- Augsburg
- 7.961,10 €
7.563,05 €
- 04.03.2025- 10.07.2025
- Heidelberg
- 2.449,00 €
Blended Learning
TIFF©-Coaching - Individuelle Beratung mit dem Temple Index of Functional Fluency
- Termin auf Anfrage
- Ort auf Anfrage
- 1.904,00 €
Klarheit und Standing - Klar werden. Klar kommunizieren.
- firmenintern
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Eigene Ziele erkennen und Ihnen Kraft geben
Rhetorik für eine klare Sprache und Argumentation
Umgang mit Triggern, Selbstsabotage und Lampenfieber
Status in Kommunikation/ Körpersprache und Stimme
Techniken zur Stärkung der Präsenz im täglichen Auftreten
Mitarbeitertypen und Motivation (DISC Modell)
IBM CM059G - IMS Installation Workshop
- firmenintern
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Learn how to successfully install and successfully maintain an Information Management System (IMS) system, with insights on common problems, how to avoid them and how to correct them should they occur. In the hands-on lab, select an IBM-supported Version of IMS to actually install, then install that IMS and run the IMS Installation Verification Program (IVP) process in the environment of your choice:
- Database Control (DBCTL)
- Database Coordinator Controller (DCCTL)
- Database/Data Communications (DB/DC)
- DB/DC with Extended Recovery Facility (XRF)
Live-Online-Training: Zeit- und Selbstmanagement
- firmenintern
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IBM SM929G - IBM Z System Automation 4.3 Operations
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This course introduces and explains the IBM Z System Automation (SA for z/OS) commands that are used for system operations. In this course, the System Automation Manager and Automation Agent run in a z/OS 2.4 environment. The automation platform, IBM Z Netview is at version 6 release 4 and IBM Z System Automation is at version 4 release 3. The course uses several automation scenarios in single and multisystem configurations to demonstrate the concepts that are taught in the lessons. This training class is delivered in an environment with multiple opportunities for hands-on lab exercises.
IBM CM30G - IMS Database Performance and Tuning
- firmenintern
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Learn how to tune Information Management System (IMS) databases for use in IMS/Batch, IMS/Data Communications (DC), CICS-Local-Data Language One (DL/I), and Data Base Control (DBCTL) environments.
Explore the IMS database features that affect performance such as data set considerations and buffers for VSAM and OSAM. You will also practice a method for estimating performance before implementation. Plus, you will reinforce the skills you have learned with seven machine labs.
IACET Continuing Education Units: 4.0
Karriere-Management: Mit System weiterkommen
- firmenintern
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Seminar Kreativitätstechniken firmenintern
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IBM H008G - IBM Spectrum Scale - Remote Data Access
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Enterprises and organizations are creating, analyzing and keeping more data than ever before. An organization’s underlying storage must support new-era big data and artificial intelligence workloads along with traditional applications while ensuring security, reliability and high performance. IBM Spectrum Scale meets these challenges as a high-performance solution for managing data at scale. This new course covers IBM Spectrum Scale features that enable data-anywhere access that spans storage and locations to accelerate applications across the data center or around the world. Attendees should already know the basics of installing, configuring and managing a Spectrum Scale clustered file system and how to use the installer toolkit.
This course is intended for IT professionals tasked with administering a Spectrum Scale storage cluster consisting of Linux nodes. The course includes information on various Spectrum Scale features that enable remote access to the data that is stored in a cluster file system. This includes: multi-cluster support, clustered NFS, cluster export services (CES) and protocol support (NFS, SMB, Object, and block), Active File Management (AFM), and AFM-based Asynchronous Disaster Recovery (AFM DR). The features are described in lecture materials and implemented in lab exercises.
VMware vSphere: Advanced Administration Workshop [V8] (EDU-VSAAB)
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This five-day course provides hands-on training to equip students with a range of skills: from performing routine VMware vSphere® 7 administrative tasks to complex vSphere operations and configurations. Through lab-based activities, students are immersed in real-life situations faced by VMBeans, a fictitious company. These situations expose students to real-life scenarios faced by companies that are building and scaling their virtual infrastructure. This course uses scenario-based lab exercises and does not provide guided step-by-step instructions. To complete the scenario-based lab exercises, you are required to analyze the task, research, and deduce the required solution. References and suggested documentation are provided. Approximately 90% of the class is application-focused and taught through labs. The course aligns fully with the VMware Certified Advanced Professional - Data Center Virtualization Deploy exam objectives.
Präsenz-Workshop: Besser leben mit Schichtarbeit
- firmenintern
- Ort auf Anfrage
- 1.011,50 €
Schichtarbeit kann sowohl körperlich als auch mental herausfordernd sein. Schlafmangel, wechselnde Arbeitszeiten und hohe Belastung fordern viel von den Mitarbeitenden – und das oft auf Dauer. Doch Schichtarbeit muss nicht zwangsläufig zu Lasten der Gesundheit gehen.
In diesem praxisnahen Kurs entwickeln wir gemeinsam mit Schichtarbeitenden konkrete Lösungsansätze für die größten Herausforderungen ihres Arbeitsalltags. Dabei liegt der Fokus darauf, wie sie langfristig körperlich und psychisch gesund bleiben und ihre Schichtarbeit so gestalten können, dass sie gut in ihren Lebensentwurf passt.
Im Austausch und mithilfe bewährter Methoden lernen die Teilnehmenden, achtsam mit ihrer Gesundheit umzugehen, ihre Ressourcen optimal einzusetzen und die eigene Zukunft aktiv und gesund zu gestalten. So stärken wir die Bereitschaft, Verantwortung für das eigene Wohlbefinden zu übernehmen, und geben hilfreiche Werkzeuge an die Hand – für zufriedene Mitarbeitende.
Weitere Schulungen im Bereich Train-the-Trainer
Auf finden Sie in diesem Bereich weitere Seminare z.B zu den ThemenBlended Learning // Businesstheater // Coaching // Coachingmethoden // Coachingqualifizierung // e-Learning // Mediation // Moderation // Planspieleinsatz // Systemische Beratung // Trainerqualifizierung // Trainingsmethoden