Seminare zum Thema Programmiersprachen
Auf finden Sie aktuell 1.431 Schulungen (mit 9.086 Terminen) zum Thema Programmiersprachen mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:E-Learning
SQL - Relationale (SQL-) Datenbanken - Einführung - Online
- 14.01.2025- 18.02.2025
- online
- 740,00 €
- 06.01.2025- 08.01.2025
- Nürnberg
- 2.136,05 €
ChatGPT – Technik, Business Cases & Ideation
- firmenintern
- Ort auf Anfrage
- 773,50 €
Der aktuelle Hype um ChatGPT ist allgegenwärtig. Kein anderes KI-basiertes Sprachmodell macht die Möglichkeiten künstlicher Intelligenz so deutlich, wie derzeit OpenAI. Doch wie sehen die Wertschöpfungspotenziale solcher KI-Lösungen konkret aus? Wie funktionieren intelligente Chatbots und Sprachassistenten im Zusammenspiel mit generativen Sprachmodellen wie bei ChatGPT und welche Möglichkeiten lassen sich darüber hinaus gewinnbringend mit OpenAI im eigenen Unternehmen einsetzen?
Dieser Praxisworkshop bietet nicht nur Einblicke und das notwendige Verständnis, sondern es werden auch Business Cases vorgestellt bzw. erarbeitet, die weit über Conversational AI hinausgehen. Anhand der Anwendungsfälle werden außerdem Chancen, Risiken und Alternativen solcher generativer LLMs (Large Language Models) diskutiert. Ziel des Workshop ist es, Teilnehmenden die vielseitigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von ChatGPT anzulernen.
Weiterbildung Android Developer
- Beginn jederzeit möglich
- online
- auf Anfrage
Android-Entwicklung ist mehr als nur Programmieren - es ist die Kunst, Lösungen zu schaffen. Um Android-Applikationen zu entwerfen, die Nutzer:innen begeistern und den Markt revolutionieren, brauchen Unternehmen zukünftig Dich. Nach Deiner Online-Weiterbildung Android Developer (m/w/d), setzt Du Dein technisches Know-how und Deine kreativen Fähigkeiten ein, um innovative Apps zu entwickeln.
In Deiner Online-Weiterbildung befasst Du Dich damit, komplexe Systeme benutzerfreundlich und effizient zu programmieren sowie Deine eigenen mobilen Anwendungen auf der Android-Plattform zu entwickeln. Mit Deinem Wissen über User Interface Design und Mobile Software Engineering bist Du bestens gerüstet, um in der Welt der mobilen Anwendungen erfolgreich zu sein. Denn in Deiner Weiterbildung liegt der Fokus auf der Vermittlung von integrativen fachlichen Fähigkeiten in den Kernbereichen der mobilen Softwareentwicklung. Du lernst, wie Du geeignete Algorithmen sowie Datenstrukturen auswählst und diese in Programmcodes umsetzt. Darüber hinaus erhältst Du Einblicke in die Gestaltung sowie Ergonomie von User Interfaces und lernst, wie Du Deine eigenen mobilen Anwendungen konzipierst, umsetzt und dokumentierst. Nach Deiner Online-Weiterbildung hast Du handlungsmethodische und anwendungsorientierte Kompetenzen im Mobile Software Engineering und in der Gestaltung von User Interfaces.
IBM TS629G - IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.13 Advanced Administration, Tuning, and Troubleshooting
- 10.02.2025- 14.02.2025
- München
- 4.760,00 €
IBM Spectrum Protect is an enterprise data protection solution designed to help you streamline your data protection processing, reduce the cost of storage, and provide the flexibility and security to meet any service level agreement. IBM Spectrum Protect optimizes storage utilization by using incremental forever as well as block-level backup and replication, policy-based data management, and an intuitive interface, the Operations Center.
In this course, you learn how the use of two or more Spectrum Protect servers provides more options for data movement in the environment, like replication to multiple targets. You also use IBM Cloud Object Storage to create a storage pool for backups and long-term retention. The bulk of the administrative tasks are performed using the Operations Center and Command Builder which provides a command line interface for all servers configured in the Operations Center. This course also includes scripting, performance tuning, protecting, and recovering the database and storage pools, and an introduction to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.
The hands-on exercises are performed on three different IBM Spectrum Protect servers, two on Windows, and one on Linux, with additional systems added to provide the IBM Cloud Object Storage environment.
This course is the second in a two-course series. It is for Spectrum Protect administrators who are familiar with the daily management tasks o...
IBM TS629G - IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.13 Advanced Administration, Tuning, and Troubleshooting
- firmenintern
- Ort auf Anfrage
- auf Anfrage
IBM Spectrum Protect is an enterprise data protection solution designed to help you streamline your data protection processing, reduce the cost of storage, and provide the flexibility and security to meet any service level agreement. IBM Spectrum Protect optimizes storage utilization by using incremental forever as well as block-level backup and replication, policy-based data management, and an intuitive interface, the Operations Center.
In this course, you learn how the use of two or more Spectrum Protect servers provides more options for data movement in the environment, like replication to multiple targets. You also use IBM Cloud Object Storage to create a storage pool for backups and long-term retention. The bulk of the administrative tasks are performed using the Operations Center and Command Builder which provides a command line interface for all servers configured in the Operations Center. This course also includes scripting, performance tuning, protecting, and recovering the database and storage pools, and an introduction to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.
The hands-on exercises are performed on three different IBM Spectrum Protect servers, two on Windows, and one on Linux, with additional systems added to provide the IBM Cloud Object Storage environment.
This course is the second in a two-course series. It is for Spectrum Protect administrators who are familiar with the daily management tasks o...
IBM TS629G - IBM Storage Protect 8.1.13 Advanced Administration, Tuning, and Troubleshooting
- 09.12.2024- 13.12.2024
- online
- 4.760,00 €
IBM Storage Protect is an enterprise data protection solution designed to help you streamline your data protection processing, reduce the cost of storage, and provide the flexibility and security to meet any service level agreement. IBM Storage Protect optimizes storage utilization by using incremental forever as well as block-level backup and replication, policy-based data management, and an intuitive interface, the Operations Center.
In this course, you learn how the use of two or more Storage Protect servers provides more options for data movement in the environment, like replication to multiple targets. You also use IBM Cloud Object Storage to create a storage pool for backups and long-term retention. The bulk of the administrative tasks are performed using the Operations Center and Command Builder which provides a command line interface for all servers configured in the Operations Center. This course also includes scripting, performance tuning, protecting, and recovering the database and storage pools, and an introduction to IBM Storage Protect Plus.
The hands-on exercises are performed on three different IBM Storage Protect servers, two on Windows, and one on Linux, with additional systems added to provide the IBM Cloud Object Storage environment.
This course is the second in a two-course series. It is for Storage Protect administrators who are familiar with the daily management tasks on a si...
IBM TS629G - IBM Storage Protect 8.1.13 Advanced Administration, Tuning, and Troubleshooting
- firmenintern
- Ort auf Anfrage
- auf Anfrage
IBM Storage Protect is an enterprise data protection solution designed to help you streamline your data protection processing, reduce the cost of storage, and provide the flexibility and security to meet any service level agreement. IBM Storage Protect optimizes storage utilization by using incremental forever as well as block-level backup and replication, policy-based data management, and an intuitive interface, the Operations Center.
In this course, you learn how the use of two or more Storage Protect servers provides more options for data movement in the environment, like replication to multiple targets. You also use IBM Cloud Object Storage to create a storage pool for backups and long-term retention. The bulk of the administrative tasks are performed using the Operations Center and Command Builder which provides a command line interface for all servers configured in the Operations Center. This course also includes scripting, performance tuning, protecting, and recovering the database and storage pools, and an introduction to IBM Storage Protect Plus.
The hands-on exercises are performed on three different IBM Storage Protect servers, two on Windows, and one on Linux, with additional systems added to provide the IBM Cloud Object Storage environment.
This course is the second in a two-course series. It is for Storage Protect administrators who are familiar with the daily management tasks on a si...
Die uralte Kraft und Weisheit des MEDIZINRADS nutzen
- 02.06.2025- 04.06.2025
- Wald-Michelbach
- 270,00 €
Predictive und Advanced Analytics Online
- 12.05.2025- 14.05.2025
- online
- 2.391,90 €
Wann immer es um die modernen, analytischen Verfahren und Methoden für Forecastings, in Sachen Planung, Simulationen oder Risikoanalysen im Controlling geht, steht der Begriff Advanced Analytics im Raum. Wenn Sie bereits ein paar grundlegende Kenntnisse zum Datenmanagement und zu Analyseverfahren besitzen, erweitern Sie Ihre Kompetenzen mit diesem dreitägigen Seminar deutlich. Es führt Sie detailliert in die praktische Umsetzung von Big Data und Advanced Analytics ein.