
Seminare zum Thema Programmierung

Auf finden Sie aktuell 2.928 Schulungen (mit 17.697 Terminen) zum Thema Programmierung mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:


  • 09.12.2024- 13.12.2024
  • online
  • 3.201,10 €
7 weitere Termine

Dieses umfangreiche und hochkarätige Seminar Moderne Netzwerktechnologie vermittelt die notwendige Theorie und Praxis für ein professionelles Netzwerkmanagement. Sie lernen die Fachbegriffe richtig einzuordnen, erarbeiten sich durch Übungen die Fähigkeiten zur effizienten Fehlersuche und verstehen die Zusammenhänge von Protokollen, Topologien und Netzwerkelementen. Am Ende des Kurses sind Sie in der Lage, die Zusammenhänge und Abläufe in der IP-Welt bis ins Detail besser zu verstehen. Das Seminar vermittelt systematisch die wichtigsten TCP/IP Grundlagen. Damit können die verschiedenen Zusammenhänge zwischen den Internetanwendung bewertet werden.

  • firmenintern
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This course provides advanced AIX system administrator skills with a focus on availability and problem determination. It provides detailed knowledge of the ODM database where AIX maintains so much configuration information. It shows how to monitor for and deal with AIX problems. There is special focus on dealing with Logical Volume Manager problems, including procedures for replacing disks. Several techniques for minimizing the system maintenance window are covered. While the course includes some AIX 7.2 enhancements, most of the material is applicable to prior releases of AIX.

  • firmenintern
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This course is designed to teach experienced PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX professionals the latest features in PowerHA SystemMirror. It covers how to:

  • Effectively administer and monitor an IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX cluster
  • Implement PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX' s more complex options

  • firmenintern
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Students in this course will learn how to implement advanced IBM PowerVM features, such as Active Memory Expansion, shared dedicated processors and multiple shared processor pools. Students will also be exposed to new availability and performance management features such as Simplified Remote Restart, Hybrid Network Virtualization and enhanced VIOS administration using the HMC.  

Additionally, students will learn skills to implement, measure, analyze and tune PowerVM virtualization features for optimal performance on IBM Power servers. This course focuses on two main areas. First, the features that relate to the performance of IBM Power servers, AIX, VIOS and the special monitoring, configuring, and tuning needs of logical partitions (LPARs). This course does not cover application monitoring and tuning. Second, the course will explore advanced features for availability and managing and monitoring virtualization and PowerVM virtualized workloads on IBM Power. 

Students will also learn AIX performance analysis and tuning tools that help an administrator take advantage of shared processors and other virtualization features of the IBM Power servers. Hands-on lab exercises reinforce each lecture and give the students practical experience.

  • firmenintern
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Dieser Kurs führt die Teilnehmer in die native Modellierung auf SAP HANA ein, sodass sie erste Analysen und Datenmodelle selbst erstellen können.

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The primary goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of the fundamental capabilities of the Network Installation Management (NIM) facility of the AIX 7.1 operating system. This course uses a combination of instructor lecture and machine exercises to provide you with practical background knowledge of the topics covered.

  • firmenintern
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Develop the skills to measure, analyze, and tune common performance issues on IBM Power Systems running AIX.

Learn about performance management concepts and techniques and how to use the basic AIX tools to monitor, analyze, and tune an AIX system. The course covers how virtualization technologies such as the PowerVM environment and workload partitions affect AIX performance management. Monitoring and analyzing tools discussed in this course include vmstat, iostat, sar, tprof, svmon, netstat, lvmstat, and topas. Tuning tools include schedo, vmo, ioo, no, and nfso.

The course also covers how to use Performance Problem Reporting (PerfPMR) to capture a variety of performance data for later analysis.

Each lecture is reinforced with extensive hands-on lab exercises which provide practical experience.

The materials include AIX 7.1 enhancements and the exercises are executed on a POWER8 lab environment.


  • 07.01.2025- 10.01.2025
  • online
  • 2.665,60 €
6 weitere Termine

Ansible ermöglicht es Administratoren, Linux-Systeme von einer zentralen Instanz aus zu konfigurieren und verwalten sowie Anwendungen automatisiert zu deployen. Der Einsatz besonderer Client-Werkzeuge ist nicht notwendig, Ansible greift auf vorhandene Tools zurück und lässt sich daher besonders leicht in bestehende Umgebungen integrieren. Dieser Kurs gibt den Teilnehmern einen Einblick in das Konzept hinter Ansible und ermöglicht einen einfachen, doch umfangreichen Einstieg in die Systemverwaltung mit Ansible anhand von praxisnahen Beispielen.

  • firmenintern
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Plan and implement IBM SAN Volume Controller in your data center!


After completing this course, you should be able to:


  • Distinguish the concepts of IBM Spectrum virtualization
  • Recall the history for IBM SAN Volume Controller
  • Classify the characteristics and components of the IBM SAN Volume Controller system and SAS attached expansion enclosures
  • Outline setups required to integrate an SVC system solution
  • Summarize the SVC systems’ ability to scale for capacity and performance
  • Summarize the virtualization process converting physical storage space into virtual resources
  • Recall the process to create host access storage on an SVC system
  • Differentiate the advanced software features designed to simplify data management, reclaim storage  space, and preserve storage investments
  • Differentiate methods in which to migrate data to and from the virtualized system environment
  • Summarize the methods of remote data replications to improve availability and support for disaster recovery
  • Employ administrative operations to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot the system environment
  • Summarize the characteristics of IBM Storage Insights’ ability to identify, troubleshoot and minimize potential system downtime
  • Summarize 3-Site Replication and Safeguarded Copy



  • firmenintern
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This four-day, hands-on training course is an introduction to VMware vSphere® . In this course, you acquire the skills needed to perform Day 2 operational tasks that are typically assigned to the roles of operator or junior administrator in a vSphere environment.

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